广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 品茶论坛 But the Mexican’s move is suspected to be pulling teeth from the mouth of the army. Can the general eat fat from his mouth and grab his bowl?

But the Mexican’s move is suspected to be pulling teeth from the mouth of the army. Can the general eat fat from his mouth and grab his bowl?

As a matter of fact, the minister not only allowed this practice, but also took the initiative to congratulate the Mexican government on recovering lost land and held a reception to invite Mexican officials to celebrate.
After that, Mexico was formally invited to form an alliance with the great powers to fight against the United States, but the Mexican government once again shirked its statement that the Mexican government was doing it to protect the overseas Chinese and to fight against the United States.
The great talent was completely disappointed with Mexico, and felt that it was a hopeless country and could not be won over.
However, Deng Shicai believed that the United States had captured the Gulf of Mexico, and the need for Mexico was no longer urgent. He ordered the navy to put its fleet into the Gulf of Mexico and then conduct military operations against the east coast of the United States.
The navy believes that the time has passed, and the US navy has increased its warships to a certain extent, and the eastern seaports of the United States have strong fortresses. The navy is not as good as maintaining the Pacific transportation line when it enters the Gulf of Mexico.
However, Deng Shicai insisted that the navy must transfer its fleet to the Gulf of Mexico. He believed that the appearance of large warships on the east coast of the United States was a victory and could bring a huge psychological blow to the United States without war.
Deng Shicai insisted that the navy decided to send ten armored cruisers into the Gulf of Mexico, but including the continuous entry into the naval formation, the new warships were still in the center of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, and the control over the eastern Pacific Ocean was continuously strengthened.
On the contrary, the navy has a negative attitude. Some people have a positive attitude towards the war. Li Xiucheng led 100,000 Taiping troops to attack from El Paso, occupy the Grand River along the north of the Grand River and tour the important city of Albuquerque, completely blocking Denver. The US military south may also strengthen the military’s control over the Grand Canyon, the south and the southwest of the United States
The new generation of generals who commanded the war in the Columbia Valley demanded to take the initiative to attack. He believed that the stalemate with the US military here for two years had already made the US military miserable. He planned to launch a counterattack with 200,000 troops to the opposite 500,000 US troops.
Liu Weihe, who just came to Austin with the Alaska army, has always wanted to attack Houston. Since Lu Yun, they hit it off and applied for limited troops to create a big trouble for the Americans.
They decided to liberate the slaves for the second time! Look refreshing and you will get to [vertex network O]
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Section seven hundred and sixty-one Interrupt the pillars of American society
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After the American Civil War, slaves were liberated, but they fell into a darker situation. The so-called stray dogs were worse than pet dogs. Slaves without owners were worse than those who lost their master warriors in Japan. @++www* C
After the Civil War, the United States federal government helped to rebuild the south, which was Lincoln’s brilliant slogan "Give priority to rebuilding the south". The fact that the war was mainly carried out in the south, not only did New England in the north not suffer from war waves, but it greatly promoted industrial development because of the war.
The first thing to rebuild the south is to resume production in the south, and the most important economic pillar in the south is naturally that the plantation economy mainly produced cotton in the past.
In the past, all the labor owned by white slave owners in cotton plantations were mainly black slaves.
Now that blacks are liberated, what about cotton production? The government actively encourages the transformation of black slaves into freelancers, so large plantations are divided by slave owners and rented to slave families for farming.
By turning slaves into tenant farmers, the United States resumed cotton production at the fastest speed after the war, which caused the worldwide cotton price collapse in 166.
There are also some slave owners who hire Chinese workers to grow cotton. At the peak, the number of Chinese workers is as high as one million, which makes millions of black people have no livelihood and is forced to move to the north, causing white dissatisfaction in the northern United States.
The top level of the American government has done some work to promote the so-called southern homestead law, which allows blacks to occupy the southern main wasteland, but the southern main land is scarce, and most blacks still fall into tenant farmers
However, after becoming the so-called free tenant farmers, their lives may not be better than those of slaves in those days, because they are still exploited by slave owners.
In the past, slave owners exploited them through forced labor. They were the property of slave owners, and they had to support these slaves to protect their property. But now that slaves are free, slave owners have lost the motivation to protect their property, but they still occupy land resources.
Although the land is rented to slaves, the rent is very heavy, and the rent is a way of exploitation. Because a large number of slaves have transformed tenants on the spot, most of them have no society. Black people are still attached to the past, and slave owners work in slave owners’ estates.
These slave owners set up shops in their own estates to sell seeds, farm tools and all kinds of daily necessities to blacks. Because a black root has no property, he can borrow money to buy them. As a result, he owes a lot of debts. The slave owners demand that blacks can buy from their shops on the pretext that these merchants are not only expensive, but also mostly charge black people a lot of interest on credit.
It can be said that most of the black people have not left the old manor since they were free. They are still working as cotton growers and the benefits are still white.
There is evidence that after liberation, black people’s living conditions are generally healthy and their physical quality is not as good as before. At the same time, plantation owners’ profits are higher than before by transforming the slave mode of production into the capitalist mode of production. Before the war, slave owners were generally in debt, but now they are generally profitable.
Of course, the source of slave owners’ profits is the result of the decline of slaves’ living standards. This result is that the capitalist mode of production is more efficient than the slave mode of production in terms of economics.
The decline in the general living standards of slaves and the fact that they have to work harder than in the past have caused widespread dissatisfaction among the slave class. In the past, when they were slaves, they did not care about their livelihood and needed to work. Now they have to bear the production costs and pay the rent to the slave owners. The fact is that the business risks borne by the slave owners in the past have been passed on to the black people.
Of course black people are dissatisfied.
However, white people are also dissatisfied, even planters with higher profits are still dissatisfied with their insistence on slavery. In their eyes, slavery is not a mode of production, but a way of life and a system of power. In the past, they treated blacks as they please. Now, although their income is higher, they are just unhappy to see those black families.
What’s more, they feel that they have been exploited by the North Federation. In the past, the South insisted on low tax rates, and the North demanded high taxes to protect industries. They demanded lower taxes to promote exports, and as a result, war broke out. They lost the Yankees and put all this on them.
Not only did the imposition of high taxes cause retaliation from Europeans, but also greatly affected cotton exports, and the Yankees also targeted them with taxes
In order to make up for the loss of the Civil War, it was also to retaliate against the south, especially the slave owners. In 165, the American Congress decided to levy a cotton tax not according to the actual price, but according to the weight. In 166, the tax was as high as 3 cents per pound.
This is a very high tax rate. You know, before the war, the price of cotton per pound was only 1 cent. The government collected a third of the tax, and there was also an export tax. European imports also needed a tax, which more than doubled the price of cotton.
In this case, of course, plantation owners are dissatisfied.
After the army entered Texas, despite all kinds of resistance, among all kinds of forces dissatisfied with the Yankees, there were still people who contacted the army to express their support. For some former slave owners, hatred for the North far outweighed racial discrimination against the yellow race.
In particular, a large number of former rich slaves or descendants of slave owners are now poor southern whites, and their psychological gap makes them hate the northern government.
So after occupying every city, the army recruited this kind of people, especially the descendants of slave owners, who often received feudal aristocratic education when they were young. The army entrusted these government officials to help restore order in the occupied areas.
These situations have been experienced in New Mexico, and it will be smooth in Texas, because Texas was a region with strong slavery in those days, and there were a large number of descendants of blacks and slave owners living in it.
Slave owners’ descendants, it’s easy to say that high officials and rich people can satisfy the blacks. What should I do? There are not so many high officials and rich people, but there are so many profitable forces that Lu Yunqi doesn’t think it’s too waves. He quickly wrote a report asking for the formation of the Black People’s League.
In order to get the support of blacks, Lu Yunqi hopes to directly remove the black debt and hand over the black leased land directly to the blacks.
The report to Deng Shicai was suppressed here because Deng Shicai consulted several local elites who were in alliance with the army. Although they were dissatisfied with the US government, they were indeed capable figures. They were not interested in their own interests, but hoped that the army would support them to build their own country independently.
Deng Shicai prefers this kind of people. He thinks these people are the most rational and capable group. Especially, he listened to several political and legal experts who graduated from American universities majoring in political science and law. Even before the war, they were local high-input classes.
These people are firmly opposed to giving land to blacks, believing that this will destroy private property and bring about the collapse of social order.
Deng Shicai is seeking stability. He doesn’t want to see the collapse of order in his occupied area. Now plantation owners are already in panic. Because they own huge real estate, a considerable number of people remain here. Those who are most unfriendly to China people and have the strongest sense of anti-Chinese have either left or secretly supported the sabotage movement.
After Lu Yunqi’s repeated insistence, Deng Shicai regarded it as a punishment, confiscating part of the land that had been confirmed as the owner of the Chinese exclusion plantation to the black people, which would not cause the collapse of order, but also get the support of the black people.
So he quickly agreed to Lu Yun’s suggestion to start formulating a phase policy. At this time, Liu Wei was recommended by Lu Yunqi and came up with a whole set of plans
The so-called "three-in-three-out" principle means that the land confiscated by the landlords of the Resistance Army was indeed excluded in the local area before the land was confiscated. The land confiscated by the landlords had been thrown away and fled. Before the war, the landlords mainly hired Chinese workers to run a piece of plantation. The landlords did not accept the land currently owned by Dahe landlords, nor did they accept the black land. The confiscated land was directly distributed to local black people for planting.
On another debt problem of oppressing blacks: resisters, Chinese expellers and fugitives, the land black debt announcement department suggested that the occupation government should pay the black debt in one lump sum in order to benefit the majority of blacks.
In fact, this scheme doesn’t need to pay off some debts, but it involves tens of thousands of people and millions of dollars. Pang Dajun’s support is absolutely worth the money.
But even this plan is still opposed by the local elite, who believe that law and property are the two pillars of American society, and once destroyed, it will inevitably lead to continuous chaos
Liu Wei admitted that law and property are the core elements of American society. They built the country from a blank sheet of paper. The population comes from various countries and nationalities without a unified social and moral constraint. Therefore, law is the bottom line and the only criterion for their social operation. It is not bound by complex unified social rules in mature western European countries or East Asian countries, and there are various rules governing the law. This big rule of social operation has faded.

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