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Finally, a new stone was thrown into the pool, which naturally set off ripples.

reception room
Saab didn’t know that there was a heated discussion outside, and his attention was focused on the two brothers and sisters sitting opposite him.
The little conflict just outside did not turn into a battle. Vinsmoke Ichiji seems arrogant and irritable. However, in fact, Lei Jiu’s comment that he has no emotional machine is quite pertinent. He is shouldering the responsibility of negotiating with the revolutionary army. If there is a battle here, winning or losing is not good for the next negotiation.
Winning is tantamount to hurting the revolutionary front. If the other party is petty, it will be even worse. Losing is sweeping one’s prestige, which will make the other side underestimate it, which is also not conducive to future negotiations
Without fighting, the only lesson I learned was the destruction of the forest, the huge snails and the habitual quarrel between my brother and sister.
There are three sets of tea sets on the coffee table, but the hot air can’t hinder Saab’s eyes.
"Princess Leijiu, King Izhi, do you want to see our revolutionary army?" After saying a few useless words without nutrition and simply saying his name, Saab went straight to the topic and asked about their purpose.
Not long ago, the revolutionary army planted spies all over the North Sea and came back with information that the Kingdom of Gelma had found a door and made a request, saying that it hoped to meet with the top leaders of the revolutionary army to make a deal. Although it did not hurt these intelligence personnel, it also revealed that it would not stop until it reached its goal.
Just as the dragon was still in Beihai, the information reached the hands of the revolutionary army bss. After thinking for half a minute, he promised.
It was not others but his brother Saab who met the emissary of the Kingdom of Gelma.
"Saab young our request is to meet with the top of the revolutionary army! Can you tell your sister your position in the revolutionary army? " Lei Jiu asked with a smile. Although she was questioning Saab, she looked too young to be a senior cadre of the revolutionary army, but her kind and gentle tone made people feel disgusted.
The answer is too simple, but let Lei Jiu pick his eyebrows.
Very interesting!
"Secret? I don’t know who you are? "
"Mr. Long has handed over this meeting to Zailai," Saab replied proudly.
This is not a lie, but a true fact.
He was entrusted to contact with the Kingdom of Gelma, and contacted the workers in the Kingdom of Ekmondo. It was agreed that he would also be responsible for it, but when they stayed in Beihai, they exceeded expectations and could not delay the cooperation with the Kingdom of Ekmondo. It turned out that other workers finally fell on Max.
This made Saab lost for many days!
He has been preparing for a long time to prove his growth to Mr. Long, but in the end nothing came. Fortunately, now he has a new opportunity.
Mr. Long?
Lei Jiu’s face was so stiff for a moment that she was the most dangerous criminal in the world … It was already the limit to meet a commander or a confidant of the commander. I didn’t expect the revolutionary leader to jump out so suddenly.
Scary is a little scary, but it’s a good thing
Direct contact with such a high-rise building can greatly shorten the time when you can report it layer by layer because you have no decision-making power …
"Monkey D. Dragon, right? Good. Let me get this straight. Sell us your dragon manufacturing technology! " King Vinsmock is a more complete remoulder than his sister. He won’t feel’ pity and sadness’ and even his fear of death has been forgotten.
Even that most dangerous criminal in the world can’t shake Izhi.
He came straight to the point and wanted something. "We need this exchange for making dragon technology. You can drive whatever you want, whether it’s berry, demon fruit or anything else. It’s not a problem to ask for rationality."
"Manufacturing dragon technology?"
Saab’s eyebrows are raised. This is really unexpected, but when you think about it, it is reasonable. Now the Kingdom of Gelma is a big country in science and technology, creating cold-blooded feelings without fear of death will definitely copy people from orders. The army is a nightmare that Gelma’s enemies can’t shake.
When the revolutionary army received the information, it elaborated in detail that the kingdom of Gelma’s fanatical pursuit of manufacturing powerful soldiers depends on the production technology of artificial dragons, which is indeed reasonable.
The revolutionary army does not have the artificial dragon production technology, but even if it did, it would never trade the technology to a notorious country like the Kingdom of Gelma.
"Sorry, we don’t have that kind of thing."
Saab shook his head and denied it.
"Others can’t see that those dragons are tricky, but they can’t hide from our eyes. Those dragons are not natural creatures. They are artificial. Your name is Saab, right?" Ike leaned out and leaned forward, narrowing the distance with Saab. His low voice threatened.
"Don’t fool me with that silly excuse to make the dragon technology. We in Gelma are determined to refuse, and the 66 th Army of Gelma is always preparing for war."
"I said that the revolutionary army didn’t have the technology to make dragons." What’s the matter of a kingdom of Gelma if the world government is so strong that it can’t make the revolutionary army afraid?
After all, he is not from Beihai and can’t understand that Gelma 66 left a terrible shadow in this sea.
"Is this a refusal?"
The problem of Iraqi governance is still so rough, direct and fierce that it sounds like a big deal, so I plan to start work.
Saab frowned.
What is this called? To tell the truth, no one believes it. Is this forcing him to lie?
"My answer is still the same. The revolutionary army doesn’t have what you want."
"So who has it?"
Bud nine smile like a flower soft asked
Izhi sat down again with his hands on his chest, and he didn’t make a furious move as Saab feared. His face showed no signs of anger, and his indifference was like not melting ice.
"The revolutionary army didn’t make the dragon technology. Where did these dragons come from?"
Lei JIU asked
"It’s impossible to tell you this without the permission of the other party." Saab didn’t mince words, but simply said it was impossible.
The circle eyebrows moved slightly, and Lei Jiu felt that Saab’s attitude was to wait for firm language, so I’m afraid I couldn’t get more answers, but violence was warned by their father before they came that they were not allowed to use rough means against revolutionary army cadres.
Before riding a huge snail on the rampage, it was already a scratch. The two of them decided that they could not directly start work. At the very least, even if they really fought, they could not make the first move.
"I’m a little tired after staying on the boat for so long. I wonder if I can have a rest here for a while?"
Lei Jiu made a new request.
Before they came, they also made full preparations, presupposed various reactions of the revolutionary army, and made corresponding countermeasures. For a while, it seems that there is no communication. It is better to put it on hold for the time being than to be deadlocked here, just when each other needs communication.
We both know that such a big thing can’t be discussed once or twice.
There is still grinding!
Saab didn’t refuse to stay in this base for a while, and asked someone to take Lei Jiu and Yi Zhi to the guest room to rest.

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