"I dive over!"

In order not to attract others’ attention, Yao Wang did dive in alone.
Stunned at them, Bao Qi almost vomited to death with one mouthful blood. "What now? He is injured and can’t get water. Yao, please hurry up and join the troops." There is a mobile phone! "
Yao Wang was about to speak when he heard Leng Xiao gently cough for a while.
He swallowed!
When Baoqi looked over puzzled, Leng Xiao said weakly, "When I came, I saw a small town on the other side. Let’s go over and see if there are any ferrymen stopping in the town first."
What are you going to rest?
Baoqi glared at him with green eyes. "Shouldn’t you see a doctor at once?"
"Don’t worry, I’m fine." Lengxiao comforted and patted her hand. "There is a very good doctor Zhao in that town! Let’s go and see him! "
"Cold owl, you’re not confused, are you?" Baoqi really looked at the man who was in convulsion in a hurry. "Can a barefoot doctor treat you in this place?"
Lengxiao rubbed his brain to show that it was clear.
But he enjoyed her anxious and serious saying, "I’m not afraid I can hold on!" "
"But I can’t hold on. I’m starving!" He mumbled a treasure and raised his face to squint at 45 degrees. He didn’t understand what the hell this man was doing for a long time.
But after she ate the compressed cake handed by Yao Wang, she didn’t have time to talk again.
Cold owl expected well. They did see a ferry boat around Na Pianhai Beach, as if it was parked there to stop them. The boat was well equipped but no one was there.
Comrade Yao Wang, a lonely sniper with a wounded man and a hungry man, rowed a broken boat and it took him nearly an hour to reach the seaside town on the other side.
Heart sighs …
Cold big head romance is really serious!
It’s getting dark
Three people walking in a small town is a particularly strange combination.
This seaside town is really small.
Two straight streets can be seen at a glance
But where is Dr. Zhao? Cold owl doesn’t know the specific location.
From the other side to the town, Bao Qi probably learned from them how many things she had slept in that sleep. Now their position has already moved thousands of miles away, which is quite far from Chengdu.
Walking on the dilapidated road in the town, she vaguely smelled the smell of fish.
A few compressed biscuits did not solve the problem of her five zang-organs temple.
Tired, hungry and tired, she wants to curse!
However, the thought that Lengxiao was still injured was even more tragic than her, and the balance in her heart seemed to balance a lot.
There is no street lamp, the faint light in the town is from home, and there is no one on the street. I want to find someone to ask for directions, but she feels a little heavy, but the man next to her seems to be not worried at all, which is a little scary.
You’re not going to get beat up by a wild man, are you?
She is more worried when she thinks about it!
About two minutes later …
On the eaves of the street, a chubby little guy rubbed it like he picked up a stone and then pointed his slingshot at the street glass to shoot-
Shouting at him loudly, Bao Qi walked slowly over.
The child is about ten years old, but he looks so naive. I didn’t expect him to be so skinny! I sipped my mouth and patted him on the head. "Little sister asked you something?"
Big ci couldn’t understand her Mandarin. The little guy took a slingshot and froze. He held his head high and looked at her without answering.
It’s inconvenient to clear your throat and bow your waist. "Can you understand your sister’s words, little friend?"
The children looked at the owl covered in blood defensively, then at her belly, and finally fell into Yao Wang’s hand. The sniper rifle muttered carefully and answered.
"What elder sister? Mom taught me that a pregnant woman should be called aunt! "
Baoqi froze!
Come back at the right time and smile
Staring at her pupils, she almost fell to the ground.
Act young was despised by the children, and she looked a little hard.
Fortunately, she had a thick skin and soon armed herself with nerves. She pulled the little boy’s shoulder across her waist and said, "Come on, kid! Aunt, can I ask you something? "
"My name is not imp."
Hold back a mouthful of evil spirit and roll your eyes. "What’s your name?"
"chubby pier!"
Light’ cough’ a treasure and pure nose "is really worthy of the name! Chubby! Is there a famous doctor named Zhao in your village? "
Chubby is an honest boy scratching his head and asking, "What is a famous doctor?"
Ow …
It’s not easy for Bao Qi to tell this teenager the truth, but also to make him realize that the so-called famous doctor is a person who can not only cure many diseases, but also be familiar to people in the town.
"oh! ~ You said it was Grandpa Zhao, right? "
Chubby pointed to a row of rooms not far away.
"He lives there!"
"Er … chubby, can you take us there?"
Chubby nodded and thought for a moment, then shook his head and cocked his head and asked, "Are you bad people?"
Baoqi froze. "It’s … really?"
Humpty Dumpty, with a flat mouth, said nothing more. He carefully led them to the row of houses, talked a little more, and the little guy was no longer afraid of being born. His mouth also increased. According to him, Grandpa Zhao moved to the town a few months ago to live, saying that he was traveling to the seaside, but he stopped living in the town. There was no special hotel in the town, so he rented two bungalows from Humpty Dumpty’s house and lived here. Usually, he didn’t see anything he did. Occasionally, he would go with the townspeople to catch the sea, and he would take care of
I didn’t expect to have a good look at this incredible chubby boy. He said that Grandpa Zhao’s medical skill really needs to be improved. He has been seeing a doctor for two or three months, and he has gained a good reputation in the town. People in small places are warm and simple, and everyone quickly accepted him. No one in the town thinks he is a foreigner.
Bao Qi became more curious about this grandfather Zhao in the introduction of Xiao Pang’s intermittent scratching at chickens and catching dogs.
Of course, I’m more curious. The question is, how far can a slap in the face of a cold chief cover it? Even this place has a’ hidden doctor’ he can know?
Vaguely, she has a feeling that stupidity is not that simple!
The two streets stretched straight for less than five minutes before they came to an end.
The chubby family is in the east of the town, and now the little boy has completely believed that they are good people, and directly led them to Grandpa Zhao’s door, skipping up the steps and knocking on the two old wooden doors without waiting for Bao Qi’s orders.
Bao Qi shook his head five or six meters away.

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标题:广州手机按摩服务:便捷生活的新风尚 随着科技的发展和生活节奏的加快,人们对健康和舒适生活的追求越来越高。在广州这座繁华的都市,手机按摩服务应运而生,成为了一种全新的生活时尚。本文将带您了解广州手机按摩服务的发展、特点以及如何享受这一便捷服务。 一、手机按摩服务的兴起 近年来,随着智能手机的普及和移动互联网的快速发展,各类生活服务APP如雨后春笋般涌现。其中,手机按摩服务APP以其便捷、高效、个性化的特点,迅速赢得了广大消费者的喜爱。广州作为我国南部经济中心,拥有庞大的消费群体,手机按摩服务在这里得到了迅速推广和应用。 二、手机按摩服务的特点 1.便捷性:用户只需通过手机APP下单,即可预约专业按摩师上门服务,省去了排队、等位的烦恼。 2.个性化:用户可以根据自己的需求和喜好,选择不同的按摩项目、技师和按摩手法,享受专属的按摩体验。 3.安全性:正规的手机按摩服务APP,会对技师进行严格的筛选和培训,确保用户在享受服务的同时,享受到安全保障。 4.性价比高:相比传统按摩店,手机按摩服务的价格更加亲民,让更多人能够享受到专业的按摩服务。 三、如何享受手机按摩服务 1.下载手机按摩服务APP:用户可以在手机应用商店搜索相关APP,下载并安装。 2.注册账号:按照APP提示完成注册,绑定手机号码、支付方式等信息。 3.选择按摩项目:根据自身需求,在APP中选择合适的按摩项目,如中式按摩、泰式按摩、足疗等。 4.预约技师:在APP中选择心仪的技师,预约上门服务时间。 5.享受服务:按摩师按预约时间上门,为用户提供专业、舒适的按摩服务。 四、广州手机按摩服务的优势 1.节省时间:手机按摩服务让用户无需外出,即可享受专业按摩,节省了出行时间。 2.提高生活质量:定期按摩有助于缓解工作压力,改善睡眠质量,提高生活质量。 3.促进身体健康:按摩可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳,对身体健康大有裨益。 4.社交互动:手机按摩服务APP为用户提供了交流平台,方便用户分享按摩体验,结识志同道合的朋友。 总之,广州手机按摩服务作为一种新兴的生活时尚,为人们带来了便捷、舒适的生活体验。在未来的发展中,手机按摩服务将不断创新,为更多人带来健康、快乐的生活。