广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 喝茶品茶联系方式 He is not the kind of person who has a sincere heart and has experienced so many changes. Even if he has no heart, he has become sensitive and suspicious now. He simply does not believe that Li Shili will have several prisoners to talk with aliens.

He is not the kind of person who has a sincere heart and has experienced so many changes. Even if he has no heart, he has become sensitive and suspicious now. He simply does not believe that Li Shili will have several prisoners to talk with aliens.

Li Shili’s expression is a bit stiff. Yip hon turned to look at him and guessed that the truth in these words was somewhat different.
Li Shili’s expression control is perfect. "I can’t promise anything, and you won’t believe me. I can say that I will try my best to save you back."
Zeng Rui finally believed that Li Shili wouldn’t believe Li Shili’s nonsense if Li Shili patted his chest and said that if he lost and killed Zeng Rui.
However, such a statement, which did not guarantee anything, won Zeng Rui some letters.
If you want to get the prisoners back from the aliens, can you really achieve your goal by talking?
Zeng Rui sighed and said, "Even if the aliens are willing to let me go back, I can’t go back. They don’t have that."
Li Shili Zheng "What do you mean?"
"Literally," Zeng Rui pointed behind him. "They didn’t understand the biochemical technology and didn’t change me back."
"How is that possible?" Li Shili’s eyes are as wide as a toad that has just been stepped on.
"Nothing is impossible. How could I help them connect to the earth if they didn’t promise to find a way to change me back?" Zeng Ruiyin was hard to hear, but everyone recognized many nai in his tone.
Li Shili was puzzled. "Didn’t you say they didn’t have that? Isn’t this contradictory? "
"It’s a long story." Zeng Rui scratched his head and looked like he didn’t know where to start. "Let’s just say, can I change back and negotiate?"
"and this?" Li Shili was even more confused, pointing his finger and urging "Tell me what’s going on."
Zeng Rui looked back and said in a very surprised tone, "They want to work with us to deal with aliens."
"What?" Isn’t it amazing that Li Shili didn’t pop his eyes out?
"What the hell?" Ye Han also couldn’t believe his ears. "Did I hear you right? Do aliens want to join us against aliens?"
He knows that there is a resistance group among aliens, but they should not come to cooperate with humans if they want to overthrow the existing ruling class.
Aren’t these aliens traitors if they cooperate with humans?
To put it in an inappropriate metaphor, what is the difference between the current practice of aliens and those who took refuge in ghost traitors in order to overthrow the national government before the founding of the People’s Republic of China?
"I heard you right!" Zeng Rui nodded affirmatively. "This is their only purpose."
Li Shili rubbed his temples hard. "Why don’t I listen more and more confused? Do they want to be with us or with humans? How come the more I think about fighting against my own race with outsiders, the more I feel wrong? " Then he looked to Yip hon for support. Not surprisingly, Yip hon’s eyes saw doubt.
"It’s a long story. It will be unclear for a while," Zeng Rui said.
Chapter 96 Taboo
Li Shili said, "It’s okay. I’m not afraid of complexity, but I’m afraid I can’t make it clear. The more detailed you say from the beginning, the better!"
Zeng Rui blinked. "The more detailed the better?"
Li Shili nodded. "I won’t tell you the truth. The more detailed you tell me, the more I can judge the real purpose of aliens. Just tell me from the beginning."
"From the beginning?" Zeng Rui was a little surprised. "That’s a very, very long story."
"No," Li Shili replied without hesitation. "I am very patient and have always been a very good listener."
Zeng Rui turned to Yip Han Yip Han Ma Dao. "I also want to hear what happened to you over the years."
"Well, I’ll start from the beginning!" Zeng Ruiding made up his mind that "this matter has to be told from the crash of the Summer Bay …"
Li Shili couldn’t help but say that this is really a slap in the face a few years ago!
Yip hon quickly stopped "Zeng Rui, I got Lu Peng’s diary. You can start from leaving others."
Zeng Rui nodded. "That’s fine. Let’s start with me being taken away by aliens, right?"
"No problem at all," Li Shili immediately expressed his sincere support. "This is what I want!"
Although Zeng Rui still has many doubts, Li Shili’s attitude still raises a warmth in his heart and even slows down his tone a lot. "I was taken away by aliens that day, and they separated me and sent several aliens to ask me several questions repeatedly …"
"what kind of question?" Li Shili suddenly asked
Zeng Rui was a little dumbfounded, and Li Shili added, "The more detailed the better."
Zeng Rui said, "It’s all medical questions. They must know my identity. I don’t know what they want to do. They refused to answer. Later, the aliens got impatient and brought worms in …"
Speaking of which, Zeng Rui suddenly got a cold war.
Li Shili was trying to calm down a few words. Zeng Rui has continued to say, "The insect is very special, with a small body and a very big mouth. The aliens let the insect bite my head. I also think that the insect ate my head, but the insect bit my head, and then I can’t control myself anymore … I mean, my body is not controlled by my brain, and I am very conscious, but I can’t move a finger no matter how hard I try."
Yip hon Li Shili glances at the same time saw each other’s eyes amazing although suppressed full belly doubt, but both of them didn’t interrupt Ceng Rui narrative.
Zeng Rui went on to say, "I was an alien at that time. I did something before I knew the problem was the worm!" "
Li Shili couldn’t help asking, "What happened to that bug?"
Zeng Rui said, "It can intercept my nerve signal and can not only intercept it but also read it."

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