广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 约茶品茶工作室 Zhou Dewei, two pieces of ceramic tiles are running towards Wang’s chest and throat, which is fatal. In Zhou Dewei’s eyes, it’s just an old man with a small village who killed them. It’s just a matter of exporting evil spirits to himself. Mom dragged herself and waited for him to catch him. It’s better for him to pack up and leave after he took the money. They’re both awesome and capable of themselves.

Zhou Dewei, two pieces of ceramic tiles are running towards Wang’s chest and throat, which is fatal. In Zhou Dewei’s eyes, it’s just an old man with a small village who killed them. It’s just a matter of exporting evil spirits to himself. Mom dragged herself and waited for him to catch him. It’s better for him to pack up and leave after he took the money. They’re both awesome and capable of themselves.

"Peng … Peng …" Wang felt that Hua Wentao had stretched out his hand in front of him and smashed two tiles at a high speed like tofu.
The tenth chapter to biting
Wentao is very upset at this time. Although it didn’t hurt Wang Lao, it was a shame for him to go to Zhou Dewei. The most important thing is that his goal is to take care of his uncle and let him take Wang Lao home. Wentao won’t hurt Wang Lao at all in this process.
"Oh …" Zhou Dewei was also very surprised. I didn’t expect this simple fellow villager who just entered the city to have such a collar.
"Interesting …" Zhou Dewei found the vent tube and generally laughed. "You can’t see that you’re a hillbilly and you have two old things who want to fucking die, and you’re a little hillbilly who can pretend to be two, so that you don’t know how to die. I’ll give you a ride if you’re happy today."
At this time, Wang Zhilin has already given out the address. The police here will certainly be able to come in ten minutes to see that Wang Zhilin has successfully reported the police. Zhou Dewei scolded him with a clenched fist and approached Wentao step by step.
"Zhou Dewei, you’re dying …" Kong Jie’s pair of two didn’t fall off the wind. At this time, he was angry and attacked with him. Two old people in the peak state the day after tomorrow were able to cope.
"Hum!" Zhou Dewei snorted. Although he was comforting himself in his heart, he was afraid of Kong Jie. He said that Kong Jie’s kung fu is also known to be a prick. Living in these two, a hillbilly counterparts, another old man crushed them as easily as running over ants.
When people come near, they wave their paws with their left hand to Zhou Dewei, the pulse gate of Wentao. Look at the external work that Wentao broke the ceramic tile just now. For such an ordinary hard work, he will be abolished first, and then he will deal with the old deathlessly and dare to call the police. Zhou Dewei is quite awesome everywhere because he has two top experts, Zhou Dewei, who is taking them around like a broker.
Plus, he’s tough enough to live in a fixed place, and he even dares to "invite" Kong Jie to work.
"… you …" As a result, Zhou Dewei didn’t see his wrist clearly, and he was already buckled by Wentao. At this time, he knew that his right hand was not good enough to attack Wentao’s throat.
"Pa … ah …" Zhou Dewei’s hand was once again buckled by Wentao. Wentao looked at him calmly and remained so simple, but he was no longer so friendly about killing one of his own.
Wang Zhilin, who was hiding behind Wentao, didn’t know the situation, but Zhou Dewei was very clear that this seemingly honest and simple guy turned out to be a master of my family. At this time, his hand was like being clamped by a clamp. Don’t talk, you can feel the bones breaking.
"Mom …" Zhou Dewei anger expansion leg lifts a coquettish leg sweep to Wentao plate to force him to put himself back.
"Ka ….." Window just kicked his leg in Zhou Dewei and just raised half his leg.
"Ah …" Zhou Dewei screamed that one leg was broken by Window and one leg fell to the ground.
Wentao looked at the pain and Zhou Dewei was very kind and told him, "I’m sorry you asked for it."
Said the hands turn "kacha …" It is even bellow that directly nullifies Zhou Dewei’s hands and Zhou Dewei screams and collapses to the ground.
Come here and scream at Zhou Dewei. The two old men have lost to Kong Jie. At this time, Kong Jie, a distraction, seized the opportunity to knock them down and put their feet down. They came to Wentao near like flowing water.
Looked at the Zhou Dewei fell to the ground and looked at the window in front of him. Looking at the window, he smiled faintly and simply, and he didn’t have a trace of anger. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Kong Jie could hardly believe that this simple young man had done it.
"Wang is really sorry I didn’t surprise you, right?" This kind of thing is nothing to Kong Jie himself, but he doesn’t want things in the martial arts world to interfere with the Go world, especially after today’s competition, Wang Zhilin has a much higher evaluation in his heart.
Wang Zhilin calm kung fu is still concerned. "It’s okay … it’s okay …" I’m grateful to see Wentao. "If there is no Wentao today, it would be in trouble."
"This little brother is very familiar with Kaizhu Chess Club, isn’t he?" He appeared in Kaizhu Chess Club just now after Hu Kaizhu. He didn’t pay special attention to himself. I didn’t expect that he turned out to be a master. Although Zhou Dewei was also a slag in Kong Jie’s eyes, he also had the power of the day after tomorrow, which was already a very strong master among ordinary people. What surprised Kong Jie most was that he still couldn’t see the depth of Wentao.
Just now, Zhou Dewei should be a kung fu practice for my family. If a person wants to reach the peak of the day after tomorrow, there will be such a normal figure. Eagle Claw, Leg, Iron Cloth Shirt, King Kong Taibao, and thirteen horizontal exercises. All external exercises have their own characteristics to a certain extent, but he is … too ordinary, too normal, but not normal.
In my heart, I was secretly surprised by Kong Jie, but I really rushed to Wentao. "This time, thanks to my little brother’s hand, if Wang had any mistakes, Kong Jie would be guilty."
Wentao laughed. "Nothing. I sent Wang back to protect Wang. They should be just a few hooligans."
Little rascal? Wang Zhilin is not stupid. Just now, those hooligans have been busy for a year with just one dress, not to mention riding in a car and that skill will kill people if they move like killing gods. That would be hooligans!
"If Kong Gong really wants to thank me, I hope this matter will stop here. After all, Wang and I are ordinary people and don’t want to be harassed by these hooligans."

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