广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 桑拿会所 By maintaining dimensional data, it should be possible to deduce some manufacturing procedures, but the manufacturing process is a big problem, "Huang said."

By maintaining dimensional data, it should be possible to deduce some manufacturing procedures, but the manufacturing process is a big problem, "Huang said."

"Tell me which three sets?"
"Eco-compound chain-type circular eco-planting system is the technology of planting vegetables and fruits in Jifeng No.7 resource star by Xie Ling people," Huang said.
This technology is humble, but it is very real.
Although humans have also planted on the moon, if we learn from the technology of an alien, the output may become higher and even make a breakthrough.
"The second set is the control system of ore operation refining center," Huang said.
This set is expected in Xu tui.
With this, when we leave, we will dismantle a part of the key parts of the ore refining center of a resource base and bring them back. I believe that the strength of Blue Star scientists will definitely push back some technologies.
If we can’t make an epoch-making leap in bluestar ore refining technology, we will certainly make great progress.
Oh, yes, to be precise, it has greatly promoted the ore refining center in Huaxia District.
Xu tui is the feeling of Huaxia people to other areas!
"The third set of energy node reflux balance system" Huang said.
This third set of unified names made Xu retreat slightly Zheng and some didn’t react. Why is this?
"What is this?"
"You broke the energy defense shield more than a dozen times before, which is the incidental function of this energy node reflux balance system."
"Lying in the trough!"
Xu back exclaimed a.
The technology of energy shield is also available in Blue Star.
But the blue star energy shield is more to resist the harsh natural environment, just like on the moon, giving human beings a life.
The defense function is really lacking.
For example, the moon’s energy shield can be blasted with a single blow if it comes to a stronger genetic evolution force.
It is also a safety measure that the lunar energy protective cover is nested layer by layer.
And the mechanical Eldar resource base energy shield, which is a real energy shield.
Xu back now fly sword can definitely burst into genetic evolution in the strong attack but still can’t break this energy shield.
Flying sword force bombardment is just a little ripple.
If this technology is brought back, it will definitely inspire scientists in Huaxia area to a certain extent. It will be worth it if the energy protection cover technology in Huaxia area takes a small step!
"Are there no other gains besides these?" Xu back confused way
"There are a lot of data, some of which are very scattered about my cognitive level. I judge what these scattered data have to do with the data.
It can be turned over to scientists for identification, "Huang said.
On the 40th day of the invasion and plunder war, the night finally came after Xu tui and others attacked the No.3 base.
Xu tui and his party can also rest at base 3.
Moreover, the members of the special warfare group who have been awake for a day and a night are in urgent need of rest to regain their strength.
In the extreme wind seven resource star into the night when wood adjacent star forward base a conference room lights.
Commander-in-Chief Lei Di called a large number of technical experts in science and technology communication to the meeting.
There was one topic at the meeting-for example, the restoration of the Jifeng No.7 Resource Star Alliance.
This is also a rescue operation for thunder elephants!
Although the No.1 main base was lost, Lei Xiang was probably captured, but both Lei Ming and Lei Qian firmly believed that Bluestar Terran could not capture all the resource bases of Jifeng No.7 resource star in a short time.
Bluestar humans can’t have that strength for the time being.
If the extreme wind resource star No.7 and the resource base are not conquered, it is possible to reconnect to the fallen extreme wind resource star No.7.
Only when Extreme Wind No.7 Resource Star gets in touch with the situation of Extreme Wind No.7 Resource Star can we work out a plan to rescue thunder elephants!
Whether it is the identity of Lei Xiang or the array core in Lei Xiang’s hand, it is necessary to save Lei Xiang.
Now Lei Ming hopes that if Lei Xiang is captured, he will really vomit and spit something urgent instead of spitting out the array core!
In that case, the temple will be in big trouble if it is investigated!
The venue is divided into two parts, one is to discuss the repair of the damaged quantity and the other is to restore the communication venue.
Repairing the final result of the delivery channel venue is not helpful.
Even if it is repaired at any cost, it will take half a year to repair the channel

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