广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 桑拿夜网 A bunch of catching fast, chief qi should be rushed to the back room.

A bunch of catching fast, chief qi should be rushed to the back room.

This time, in the face of aggressive people in the yamen, no one dared to intercept them. Even Liao Shao bowed his head with his mouth open.
"Guo Ping!" Ray prisoners looked around for others and stared at Guo Ping intensely.
"I remember you!"
"Thanks to love" Guo Ping held his head high.
"What means does tripterygium wilfordii have? Just make it to Guo!"
"Not found!"
"Not found!"
After a while, the chief officers and the police officers returned and shook their heads one after another, obviously without any gains.
Five frowning sentences
He is not sure that there must be something wrong here.
It’s that these people search so quickly and their attitude is extremely lax. Obviously, they are not afraid or afraid of the decepticons.
"impossible!" Guo Ping low drink suddenly pounced on a room behind.
"I saw them bring people to this room and never showed up again."
He rummaged through the room and knocked on the ground, but he still didn’t find anything unusual.
He looked so anxious that he could not save people because he was afraid of delay, not because he was mistaken.
"Little" Liao Shao sneered.
"It’s not easy to slander others’ innocence without saying a word. Sometimes Liao will come to visit these days."
"impossible!" Guo Ping drank low and suddenly his ears trembled as if he heard something, and his face lit up and swooped down on the corner of the room.
"On this side!"
Liao Shao face a change.
"Well …" Five punishments have an eagle eye and claim to be good at sense motive. They look up and look somewhere and slash their swords into a corner.
The soil on the ground flew over and made a dull noise.
A three-foot-deep iron plate hidden underground was lifted by a sword to expose a dark hole.
No wonder it won’t be discovered if it’s hidden so deep!
"Sure enough, there is something fishy." The fifth sentence was a heavy face.
"Go in and search!"
Other courtiers and police officers in the field looked at each other, but Guo Ping had already jumped ahead and soon brought out a disheveled and unconscious woman.
"Miss Zhang!"
"Dutch girl!"
"slips sisters …"
Soon after they disappeared, there were also women with identities in the city, and there was an uproar in the transfer field. Many people looked at the prisoners and others and their eyes became extremely bad.
The decepticon gang is powerful, and expensive in the city is not a vegetarian.
Although they are not controlled together, they are like a huge net covering the whole city.
Even several aunts of Lei Prison are your daughters.
If you really want to get angry, no one can make it easy!
Most of the rescued women are young, beautiful and well-educated, but they will not be ordinary families.
Although I don’t know what to do with these people, I know that it will definitely not be a good thing when I think about it.
Since the decepticons gang dare to attack them, who can be sure that other sisters and women in the field will be fine?
That’s what people do.
If you don’t care about yourself and hang high, you will be an enemy once your own interests are involved.
The fifth sentence of "Lei Gong" was cold.
"How do you explain it?"
There was silence in the field.
Everyone looked at the cold eyes of the thunder prisoners one by one, but for the scruples behind him, even someone had already started work.
"Liao Wei!"

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