广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 喝茶品茶联系方式 Wood Zhuoqiang heard this word and the horse remembered his own Long Yun. One thousand square meters of wood was enough for Long Yun to eat half a full meal.

Wood Zhuoqiang heard this word and the horse remembered his own Long Yun. One thousand square meters of wood was enough for Long Yun to eat half a full meal.

He talked to Wang Dapeng and then got up and came to the door of the next table.
This kind of screen is separated by a single door. He looked inside at the door. One of the three people in it was white, fat and naive. The young man was sitting at the table with a gloomy face and was about to wring water. This must be the foreigner selling wood.
The other two people sat at the table, acting as if they were comfortable. If they don’t say anything, they just cheated the boss Zhao, a foreigner.
Three people saw Zhuo Qiang looking in at the door, and a slightly thin man asked rudely, "What are you doing?"
ZhuoJiang laughed "I heard that you who want to sell wood? How much I want? "
The cloud with a fat young face suddenly swept away and quickly came out with a grin on his face. "This boss wants to sell wood and I sell it."
Zhuo Qiang tilted his head and motioned for him to go with himself.
Fat youth busy nodded and followed ZhuoJiang came to ZhuoJiang list next door.
Wang Dapeng was puzzled when he saw Zhuo Qiang leading the young man. He also heard their conversation just now. Does Zhuo Qiang want to be kind and help others?
Naturally, hundreds of thousands of summer coins are nothing to Zhuo Qiang, but Wang Dapeng won’t believe that Zhuo Qiang will literally beat hundreds of thousands of Shui Piao.
"My name song My friends call me Xiao Pang. What are the names of the two bosses?" Fat look humbly asked.
Zhuo Qiang smiled. It’s true that this man who calls himself Song Pang reported his nickname at the first meeting. It’s really simple and lovely. Maybe that’s why he is easy to be taken.
When you say, "Zhuo Qiang, this is Wang Dapeng, the big boss from overseas, and this is my secret Ye Chuchu. Come and sit down and let’s talk about your timber business."
"Where are you from? You dare to argue with Uncle Zhao for business."
ZhuoJiang a look turned out to be the two men in the next single is bash elbows staring at ZhuoJiang several people.
The horse changed again when the song looked at his face. It turned out that this boss Zhao really wanted to pit himself. They didn’t pay him back, and they didn’t let him sell the wood to others. This is to bully him as a foreigner.
Now the situation is that he can’t call the police easily. In case he offends Boss Zhao, a sitting tiger, he doesn’t want to make moves again because of his influence here.
He looked at Zhuo Qiang and Wang Dapeng, and now he also hopes for them.
But Zhuo Qiang has just introduced that Wang Dapeng is an overseas person and not a local person, and Zhuo Qiang looks much more tender than Boss Zhao, so I don’t know if he can hold it.
Zhuo Qiang never does dog-eat-dog things. Zhao Renlai scolds him. Of course, he won’t talk back. He put his hand on Ye Chuchu and got up and walked to the door.
Boss Zhao doesn’t know what’s going on. What does it mean that a few men in this room have no reaction when they hear their own words, but they send the only delicate beauty out?
Ye Chuchu walked to the front of the guy who just shouted surnamed Zhao with an expression on his face, and suddenly a slap in the face made Boss Zhao stumble. Almost no one stumbled and read smoothly, risking blood and foam as if he were mixed with two teeth.
The boss vaguely didn’t know what to say, but he retreated to one side. This slap really scared him.
Another person saw this sudden slap in the face and was a little overwhelmed. Suddenly he cried, "How dare you beat Boss Zhao and don’t want to live?"
Ye Chuchu looked at him coldly without saying a word, and this man was scared. He hurriedly held Boss Zhao and walked to the front desk.
Song looked at Ye Chuchu and looked at ZhuoJiangXin said, "Is this beauty a secret or a female bodyguard? How barbaric! "
More water rushed to Longwang Temple in 118.
Not only does the song think Ye Chuchu is barbaric, but even Wang Dapeng thinks that Ye Chuchu just moved her usual image, which doesn’t quite conform to this quiet and obedient girl’s hand. It’s really exciting.
Zhuo Qiang certainly won’t be surprised at Ye Chuchu’s behavior, even if it’s strange, it’s strange that she moves so lightly and won’t think she moves too hard.
"Let’s continue to talk about songs." Zhuo Qiang smiled and said to the song.
"Well, let’s continue" said the song absently, while secretly blaming this young man named Zhuo Qiang for being more impulsive than himself. Is it easy for the boss Zhao to be a ruffian?
In case the conflict expands itself, this ship’s timber will be ruined again
"What kind of wood are you? What’s the price of wood?" Zhuo Qiang asked the song after sitting down.
Song said, "Poplar is very cheap, only 400 yuan."

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