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Putting on a raincoat and pushing it out of the carport just wanted to go for a second when Qujiang suddenly froze.

In front of him, a huge white tiger is staring at him coldly
At that moment, he was completely scared.
Some time ago, there were several news reports of tiger wounding. Qujiang had seen the wounding photos, and it had also been popularized by people. The most efficient way to kill robotic cats in the evolution of the earth is how lethal a tiger is!
They are simply killing and killing.
When it paws at you, it’s gut-breaking!
When its teeth bite you, the bones are broken!
Humans are no better than dolls in front of tigers!
Although the doctor faces death every day, it is the first time that he is so close to his own death!
In the zoo, Qujiang used to stare at the tiger’s eyes for a long time. Those yellow eyes were cold but crystal clear, which seemed to suck people’s souls away.
At this moment, facing the tiger’s eyes again, Qujiang couldn’t give birth to the idea of running away for a while.
His brain seems to be blocked by something.
What should I do in the face of tigers? Do you want to play dead?
No, cats don’t mind eating dead prey.
Want to run away?
A subhealth city half-otaku who has just finished working overtime and lacks exercise for a long time is faster than a tiger?
So what should we do?
"Help … help …" Qujiang found himself crying for help. It was not much bigger than a mosquito, but no one could hear it.
Even if you hear it, what can you do? That’s a tiger!
"Boom" A bullet train in Qujiang’s hand fell to the ground, and he retreated half a step and could hardly move.
It is said that being stiff when nervous is actually an evolved stress phenomenon. So when facing danger, it is more likely to freeze there than to escape.
No! How can you be born frozen there?
I’m an individual, so I don’t want to be a poor evolutionary cause in racial evolution …
Qujiang tried his best to take a step back, and then he tripped over the train behind him.
And the white tiger is walking towards him, with huge steps, disproportionate elegance and lightness, like dancing death dance.
At that moment, a messy dog barked.
"Ow, ow, ow!"
A huge black dog appeared in front of him and gave a strange cry to the white tiger in front of him, "Ow!"
"Hey … great tiger? Big tiger runs! " Qujiang suddenly recognized the dog as one of the six dogs that pulled the carriage and sent the injured.
Its ears are erect and its eyes are shining.
If you look at the tiger, you think it is already very big, but now it is facing a real tiger, and the rain makes his hair droop. It looks more different in size than before.
Even the mastiff, which claims to be able to tear tigers and leopards alive, is just a "claim". In front of tigers, dogs are better than humans in delivering food, but they are also limited.
Canines always win by quantity.
Hearing his voice, the tiger turned to stick out his tongue at him and grinned, revealing an ugly and ugly elephant.
I don’t know what Qujiang gave birth to an illusion when I came into contact with Dahu’s eyes. It seems that I understood the dog language in an instant.
He seemed to hear Tiger say, "Brothers, there is a meaty one here!"
"Bite it!"
"Oh, you can bite something!"
"That’s it biting it!"
Am I freaking out because I’m dying?
Or can you really understand dog language?
Although the tiger was a little surprised by several dogs, he was not afraid that it slowed down and put on an offensive posture. At this moment, the great tiger suddenly turned into a black flash.
It’s like a black flash!
In the night, it was so fast that it could not be seen for one second and was still in front of Qujiang for another. It appeared on the left side of the tiger’s body and bit its ass.
"ouch!" The tiger screamed. It waved its tail and claws to fight back. The claws didn’t even catch a hair of the tiger.

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