广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 喝茶品茶联系方式 "Did you let the soldiers enter the distant mountain town?" Chen Jun asked

"Did you let the soldiers enter the distant mountain town?" Chen Jun asked

"Just make into" Qin Yu truthfully replied.
"Don’t fucking go in there! It’s a pit!" Jun Chen immediately shouted.
Chapter 1297 Get ready for the pit
"What pit?" Qin Yu immediately asked
"I let people inquire about the Yichuan mansion area, and there should be many people who take advantage of it and deliberately create friction with you." Jun Chen said with a slight frown. "You have Ruan’s family over there, so you are very close to you. Didn’t you receive the news before? !”
"I haven’t received any news" Qin Yu shook his head.
"Robbing materials and attacking soldiers are all premeditated. Life in the distant mountains is waiting for you. You have to be stabbed to the Arab League today, followed by the media outside the three major regions." Jun Chen said with a frown. "And you may not be able to take advantage of the fact that there are too few Hunchenglv when you enter the area, but the other side is prepared. If your soldiers take the initiative to shoot, it is a big deal for a citizen to die, but people are hiding in the corner and shooting you in the back. Your death is also white. No matter what the reason, people will fight back.
"They attack troops I fight back? !” Qin Yu said strangely, "I’m going to suffer in the distant mountain life town, and there is World War II behind me!"
"You still don’t understand that the purpose of sending you to garrison there in World War II is to reduce trouble, but you are stuck with the local people and local forces. Is that making trouble on your own initiative? ?” Jun Chen tone urgently said, "it’s just like you at that time, the ground energy to force the party and government to leave Songjiang is a routine to be planned. What do you mean? That means that it may become an urban area at any time. We will absorb the people here sooner or later. If you are at odds with each other, do you think the floor will give up on you or give up on the place and people? "
Jun Chen dialect is the same as Feng Ji dialect, and Qin Yu himself started from the ground. He can’t help but understand what’s going on here, but the evil spirit in his heart is really suffocating. Besides, Brother Owl and others are still inside, and the troops can’t get in. They will definitely be suffocated.
"Can have an opponent, but you have to pull some and fight some to prepare for a long-term struggle?" Jun Chen said softly. "You just came in the door, and you fucking stood up and threatened to encircle the distant hills by force, so you became a target! People must be facing their own people. In the contradiction department, you can’t move a step! "
Qin Yu briefly thought for a few seconds and then immediately replied, "Brother Hangjun, you mean I understand the situation here. I know what’s going on here."
"When I called you here, I meant to be bigger and stronger by sneaking around with my head stuffy, not to let you chug at everyone with a machine gun." Jun Chen said briefly, "Make this thing flat as soon as possible. There are too few people there, and I will let Xiaofeng support you."
"Thank you, Brother Jun"
"That’s it!" Jun Chen threw a hang up the phone.
Hunchenglv General Staff Department
Qin Yu frowned thoughtfully with his hands on the console table.
"Why? If we don’t go in, they won’t be able to pick it up, and we’ll just accept the cowardice; But if you go in, you may fall into the pit. "Qi Lin turned to look at the calendar war." What do you think about this? "
"I suggest we continue to do it," Li Zhan said clearly. "It’s already fucking angry. You didn’t catch anything in the end, so you might be passive! Just like Jun Chen said that once the small-scale conflict in Tianyuan Mountain Town was reported by the media in the fifth district or other districts that your troops took the initiative to engage in friction killings, the Arab League was forced to punish the military and political affairs in the ninth district. At that time, we will not only be cleaned up by the face, but also have nothing to refute! You said someone killed your soldier. What proof do you have? But you shot the distant mountain town with facts! "
Qin Yu looked up at the calendar war. "This is the reason to connect me with Daya."
Voice signal soldier directly moved the words on the desktop.
After a few seconds, I got through to Qin Yu, listening to the gun face over there and said, "Where are you now?"
"Just entered the distant mountains, they are fighting back."
"Listen to me, if you are attacked by the public, try to avoid it and don’t fight back, but the security team members can resist and shoot them on the spot." Qin Yu said with dignity. "You have to let the owls out successfully!"
"Yes!" Daya immediately responded to one
"And just now I got a message from Jun Chen. He said that the distant mountains are well prepared. After you go in, the pressure will be great. But you are the front-line commander. I gave you an order to know that there is a pit ahead and you have to fucking crush it for me. Ann will come back with people."
"Guaranteed completion!"
"That’s it"
Voice down two people ended the call.
South entrance of Yuanshan town
The 1st Daya Infantry Regiment has called in, about one kilometer away. Along the way, the security team and the UNPROFOR team headquarters were defeated head-on and fled in all directions.
"His mother is not very hard? Isn’t it Tieda Yuanshan Town? We’ll be dry when we touch a gate! " The second battalion commander is waving his hand and will let the troops divide at the fork in the road.
"Dadada …!"
Just after the words were said, a large number of people also emerged in the buildings on both sides of the road.
Molotov cocktails, petrol bombs, grenades and other murder weapons are also poured into each other.
This counterattack is obviously premeditated. The joint defense team and the security team just stopped at the door. It may be that they are waiting for the people to tie the knot while delaying.
Street fighting is different from plain warfare and positional warfare. It is more random and accidental. Once it is fought, it is often the attacking side that will suffer more. In addition, a group of infantry must leave their hands behind when facing the people’s armed forces. They immediately suffered a big loss.

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