广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 品茶论坛 The fire cloud Taoist sacrifices a life instrument and roars to resist.

The fire cloud Taoist sacrifices a life instrument and roars to resist.

However, in front of the murderous Shura Dharma, the fire cloud is as small as an ant, and this move is like a gladiator!
There was a loud noise when the two sides collided!
The terrorist forces poured into the fire cloud road and directly exploded its body, and Yuan Shen was blown to pieces and died on the spot!
Shura’s dharma body strode like a meteor, and soon he chased the last Tiangang Sect, Tian Di Dao Jun!
For the first time, you can’t hide from it. Turn around and fix the dharma body and shake it hard
Boom Boom Boom
Without the method of heaven and earth, their spells and qi and blood roots can’t resist the shura dharma!
In a row, the collision broke through the sky, and Daojun was also black and blue. His eyes were full of sadness and he shouted, "Shura, what are you trying to kill us?"
Yan Beichen looked indifferent and didn’t speak a word. He didn’t bother to pay attention.
Soon, for the first time, Daojun was cut into two half-dead miserable gods by Shura Dharma Body!
Until now, Yan Beichen’s face showed a trace of fatigue.
This world war I consumed his energy, mind and mana greatly!
After the war, the shura dharma body was also riddled with holes, and it was only when several Taoist bags and some life implements were collected that this dharma gradually disintegrated.
Yan Beichen pulled out a handful of Dan medicine and stuffed it into his mouth to breathe a little. His face softened a lot and his face became a little ruddy.
Su Mo showed his figure and went away.
"Thank you, Senior."
Su Mo came to Yan Beichen and made a deep worship.
Yan Beichen was not surprised to see Su Mo coming out. He had long noticed that someone was lurking nearby.
Yan Beichen patted Su Mo’s shoulder and said indifferently, "You are also dimly discernible peak. There is nothing to rely on in this Zhongzhou land. I can’t let these methods bully you."
When I heard these words, Su Mo felt a thrill in his heart.
"Elder you hurt …"
Su Mo didn’t notice Yan Beichen’s five methods, Dao Jun and Yuan Shen, who seemed to be slightly injured after fighting for the position.
"It’s all minor injuries that don’t matter."
Yan Beichen gave a casually said seemingly muddy don’t care.
Pause a little Yan Beichen’s eyes turned and saw Qin Pianran’s eyebrows wrinkling not far away. "These words were heard by her and she can’t stay!"
Said Yan Beichen, turning the shura knife in his hand, and slaying Qin on the spot!
"It’s not necessary."
Su Mo shook his head and said, "I’m white with my predecessors’ painstaking efforts."
This time, Yan Beichen intercepted Xianjian Daojun and others, and it won’t be long before they will travel all over the fix-true world!
He didn’t have Sumo Joseph at Bailianmen because he didn’t want to be implicated in Sumo’s body and Sumo caused disaster.
He wants to slay Qin Pianlian, but also to kill him.
Su Mo said, "I’ve caused enough disasters, and I really don’t care about this one or two, even if there is no such thing, I will still come."
Yan Beichen shook his head and said, "Now you are a very hot brother and I am a magic door. It’s not good for you to get too close to me."
"Ha ha ha ha!"
When I heard this, Su Mo laughed at the road. "Senior, I am now called by the world as a demon. What am I afraid of?"
Su Mo’s heart is full of heroism. "Senior, you came to help me today. I remember Su Mo in my heart! Don’t say that you have many enemies, even if you are enemies all over the world, I would like you to stand side by side! "
This sentence is so verve that even Yan Beichen’s mind is surging.
Yan Beichen is also an uninhibited and free-spirited humanity. "So don’t call your predecessors!" I don’t like what nonsense etiquette rules and regulations are! "
"I am older than you, and you and my brother will be commensurate in the future!"

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