Everything seems to be not going well today!

"At this moment, you waited so long and didn’t start work?"
Just then, the old ape’s accent was calm and he couldn’t hear any fluctuation.
"Hey hey!"
The Great Protector gave a quick laugh: "I have been waiting for this moment for so long and I am not in a hurry for this moment."
The old ape nodded and said, "If you don’t do it, I’ll do it!"
Taking his word, the old ape got up slowly!
It’s this one who gets up and starts to move, and it sends out a horrible breath of bullying the demon and instantly hangs over the whole ape crow ridge!
"You …"
The dharma keeper stared at the old ape in disbelief.
Although the old ape is still senile, this breath is still sharp and strong!
At its peak, it is almost a few differences!
"Are you hiding?"
The great protector’s look changed greatly and it was difficult to say three words
The turbidity in the eyes of the old ape has all disappeared.
The body is full of qi and blood, roaring and shaking, constantly urging the old ape to hang down, and the two white eyebrows swing slightly, all of which have been dyed red!
Qi and blood have reached the limit and reached the brow!
So strong, qi and blood, there is still a little bit of death!
"Grandpa, are you all right?"
The white-faced man cheered and was ecstatic.
"Old ghost, you are so thoughtful that even your relatives around you hide it!" The Great Protector gnashed his teeth with hate and looked bitterly.
"If not, how can I see through your face!"
The old ape beats his chest and screams loudly into the clouds to kill!
Whistling before the rest of the old ape stride brazenly!
Chapter one hundred and forty-one Desolate!
When the old ape Shu made a move, he enveloped the four dharma departments, in which Qi and blood rose and bravely cast.
Rough hands seem to be able to cover the sun and crush it!
"You guys, we have already retreated!"
The Great Protector screamed, "If we retire this old ghost at this time, we will not let go of our joint efforts to kill it!"
Four dharma protectors at the same time to resist!
A loud noise!
The high platform collapses instantly!
When the four dharma protectors fell, they turned into huge bodies in the middle.
Among them, the great protector is an ancient species of green-winged eagle.
The Great Protector didn’t tempt the first time to offer a talented avatar.
The huge wings flapped and the dharma protector turned into a streamer and disappeared in front of the old ape, and went around behind him to kill the white-faced man!
The white-faced man was frightened in his heart
Although he is also a protector, he has just been promoted to a higher-order demon. It didn’t take long for his fighting power to be far from these demons who have been practicing for thousands of years.
The white-faced man’s hammer foot body also shows a very fierce force in generate.

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