广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 喝茶品茶联系方式 And around the mouth of the cave, a powerful floating array method was built to surround the whole mouth of the cave. The strong people of all ethnic groups relied on the array method to besiege the ghosts, and there was a constant roar.

And around the mouth of the cave, a powerful floating array method was built to surround the whole mouth of the cave. The strong people of all ethnic groups relied on the array method to besiege the ghosts, and there was a constant roar.

Breath comes out of the hole, and I’m familiar with it. It’s really a ghost breath. This hole is the passage to the underworld.
I have seen many similar external channels all the way to the sea, such as the demon world, the underworld and so on. Most of them are on guard against all ethnic groups, and a few people are aware of them in remote and desolate places, but most of these channels are small and the strength of creatures who can come to all worlds is weak
This passage is as big as the Tongtian clan. He saw that passage of the underworld in the shark magic sea at the beginning. Come here, ghosts and ghosts are coming to the sea, and I have already felt the powerful ghosts in the late stage of the Taoist realm.
However, with the influence of fairy falling objects becoming more and more powerful, this channel will gradually increase and strengthen. One day, the strong in all circles can enter the spiritual world through the channel at will.
Of course, the strong in the spiritual world can also travel to other realms through channels, but due to the restriction of the body of uniting the strength, the strong in the spiritual world will be subject to many restrictions, which will lead to a great loss of strength, that is, sending food.
And the strong in all worlds come to the spiritual world like a duck to water, which leads to the spiritual world being passive defense.
In addition, all ethnic groups in the spiritual world are in a state of disarray, and their respective wars are very serious, which makes them attack all walks of life and strive to protect themselves.
I’m afraid this time, let alone fighting for fairy falling objects, the spiritual world will also become the fat in the eyes of the strong families of all circles, and people will flock to carve it up at one stroke.
Yu Guihai observed for a while and saw that the Tongtian clan’s defense line was stable and defensive. There was no crisis in this ghost channel base, and it also became their training ground.
He’s not looking at it any more, and he’s going directly to play Xingyuan, a city.
This is Wangxingcheng, which belongs to the Tongtian clan, a subordinate clan of Xingbao clan.
The leopard head of the Star Leopard clan has black spots in the shape of stars, and its overall strength is quite strong.
This Star City is the most important city of the Star Leopard family, which is located in the blessed land of the Star Leopard family.
Tianxing blessed land is a rare plain blessed land. There are few low hills and mountains in it, and the rest are vast plains, dense forests and vast grasslands, which are dotted with many star-shaped lakes like falling stars.
Yu Guihai entered Wangxingcheng, and people around him felt that even if he walked by, he could not find any traces of him, and the defensive array in the city could not hinder him at all.
He came all the way to the center of the city to control the strong people who are sitting here.
Then he sent a message to live in seclusion and wait slowly.
In a dense forest in Tianxing Plain, a big river runs through it like a jade belt, and there is a statue of an old-looking old man of the Star Leopard family sitting quietly fishing in bluestone like a sculpture.
Rustling ~ ~ ~
A passing sound broke the peace here.
A brocade robe figure came out of the forest and lived a few meters behind the old man with a dignified face.
"What is it?"
The old man put the boom away and asked softly.
"Report to the three elders’ pavilion of the bodhi old zu, the holy family, and come to Wangxingcheng in three days to check our family’s preparation." The newcomer respectfully replied.
"oh? My clan has always been in charge of the five elders. Why did the three elders suddenly come to supervise? " The old man surprised way
"Grandchildren don’t know!"
"Well, in any case, the three elders of the Holy Family should not be careless when they come. I will go there when the time comes. You can call the elders of one clan to meet the three elders together when the time comes." The old man wanted to think and ordered.
"Yes!" Brocade man hurried away.
The old man thought for a moment and uttered a sound.
Soon he got a reply.
"There is no need to think much about preventing cross-inspection in the family."
The old man said suddenly relieved.
Three days later, Nanshan Mountain Stream, the bodhi old zu of the Star Leopard clan in Wangxingcheng, came to the city gate early. Behind him was a group of powerful people in the same way, except for sitting far away or very important or going out for a long trip.
The residents of the city were also ordered early. Today, the noble family came to inspect, and everyone had to go out and kneel down in full dress.
Soon after, a huge floating boat came from a distance. This floating boat has a mysterious star pattern, and it is fast and mysterious.
"I’m ready to meet the old man when I come," ordered Nanshanjian, who was slightly moved.
"Yes!" They should way
Soon the pontoon came near.
Nanshan Jian Teng greeted him with a big smile. "Ha ha, three elders have come to our family to shine."
The floating boat walked out of a black robe figure, and the black spikes on the top of the head went straight into the sky, and the mighty pressure was wantonly distributed. It was the three elders of the Tongtian clan who were starry.
"Ha ha, Nanshan Taoist friends don’t come ill. I haven’t seen Taoist friends for more than a hundred years since I played Star City." Xingtian surrendered and laughed.
"Yes, yes, the three elders are as elegant as ever."
The South Mountain Stream greets and introduces Xingtian into the city hall. The banquet is already prepared here, and it is full of rare spirits, wines and meals.
"I’m here to supervise the preparations at the request of the clan, and there’s another big event that needs your cooperation." Xingtian said to the people after he took his seat.
"oh? I don’t know what the three elders said? "
Nanshanjian knows about the inspection, but he doesn’t know that there are other major events.
"That’s the Star Leopard family pointing a way," said Xingtian.
As soon as the voice fell, it was convenient for one person to answer the phone and said, "The bodhi old zu knows about this."
After that, he said respectfully to the next hand, "Welcome to the Lord of the Spiritual World!"
"Nanshan, what are you doing?"
The strong stars and leopards have questioned the Nanshan mountain stream, and they are silent and look at Nanshan.
Bang ~ ~ ~

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That’s it!That’s it!

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