广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 约茶品茶工作室 But follow the fish monk left breath at the shrine and went to the place where the fish monk met the woman.

But follow the fish monk left breath at the shrine and went to the place where the fish monk met the woman.

The fish monk came close to dying, and the Zen mind rose and went away, but he didn’t expect it to be so wrong.
Besides, Buddhism is the most important method. He met Lu gradually at this time, perhaps because he was destined to be a fish monk, so he didn’t force it.
When Lu gradually woke up, he found himself sitting on the roadside with the fish monk, a tree with dense branches and leaves, and his tail hung from the branches as thick as an arm, naturally complacent.
I came to see the fish and the noodles, and I couldn’t tell you enough. It was solemn and clear, and it was a little transparent.
Lu gradually wondered, "Master, what did you do to me just now?"
Fish monk smiled slightly. "I came to sit down immediately after giving you an initiation, but I didn’t expect you to rob me to feed me back and let me live a little longer. You remembered everything I said before."
The robbery in the dark was very strong, and his left arm had been damaged, but it was really unexpected that the robbery in the dark still had to be restored to its old view.
Lu gradually frowned and slowly recalled, "Master asked me to cremate you after death to get the relic and send it back to Sanzu Temple in Tianzhu Mountain."
Since he became dark, his memory has been much better than before.
Fish monk smiled faintly. "Just remember that the robbery in the dark is really fierce. I’ll show you my donkey kong divine power, and the first sixteen of them may be remembered because of robbery."
There is also a reason for his sixteen postures, because he is now able to demonstrate half of his thirty-two postures. Secondly, Lu gradually didn’t learn, and even if he meets that girl again in the future, the other party may let him go. Thirdly, he can see that Lu gradually can’t do any martial arts except robbing the avatar in the dark. This sixteen postures is enough to make him settle down in the Jianghu.
Seeing the fish monk, he got up with his arms crossed and his left hand turned upside down, while his right hand held his right knee straight.
This posture is extremely awkward, but Lu gradually can’t help but follow it. It is reasonable to say that it is extremely difficult for him to learn without basic polishing.
But in fact, it is extremely easy, because he has been imbued with the body by the fish monk. Every fetus has a tendency to transform into the Eucharist, and the dark robbery is very special, and the card is solved everywhere.
The fish monk spent a cup of tea for a total of sixteen times from the first posture’ I am in phase’ to’ people are in phase’ and’ longevity is in phase’.
By the time the 16th phase of the’ Zhu Tian Xiang’ was put into full play, he would say, "King Kong’s life will be fixed for a few days, and the ancient and modern fish and monks will be completely lost."
Lu gradually felt that although his heart fell on two sides, he also decided that the old monk with white eyebrows and kind eyes was very kind and vowed to fulfill his last wish.
At this time, someone gently sighed, "It’s no pity that King Kong’s pulse is an endless stream of traditional fish monks."
Lu gradually turned around and saw Li Zhichang standing in the distance in a hazel cassock.
He said, "Master Li Zhenren asked me to cremate him after he sat down and bring the relic back to Sanzu Temple in Tianzhu Mountain."
Li Zhichang smiled leisurely and said, "I know that all my masters in the North have told me that I didn’t notice you before your little luck was extraordinary."
It was the unparalleled ability of the fish monk to enlighten Lu gradually that brought this piece of rough jade to the surface.
He added, "Not to mention cremating the fish monk first, I will take you to Tianzhu Mountain." Li Zhichang waved his robe sleeve at the fish monk and then there was a raging fire like a fire.
In this fire, the fish monk’s body was gradually ashed for a full quarter of an hour before the fire was extinguished, and then a lot of beads were left in the ashes, large and small, and there were thirty-two exactly the number of thirty-two bodies.
Li Zhichang motioned for Lu to pick up these relics, but his heart was thinking about another thing.
He tracked down the place where the fish monk fought the woman, and what he saw was really shocking. A crack about tens of feet long and about two feet deep divided the hillside in half.
These cracks are naturally caused by manpower, and the vegetation on both sides is destroyed in the ground, leaving only roots in the ground.
This, of course, is the effect of two people fighting to escape gas strength.
Chapter 27 Tao
He looked at the whole battlefield and constantly simulated the scene of two people fighting in his mind. On the one hand, fish and monks are far behind the wind.
Especially from the ground trace, it is shocking to say that the man who played against the fish monk lacked dozens of different martial arts and all practiced to a perfect level.
Li Zhichang was not shocked to see it at that time.
Of course, he can also do this at this time, but he can be very sure that this person can do this without reaching the series of heaven and man, but it is unprecedented for him to finish different martial arts and have no future trouble.
Although the fish monk is far from his opponent, Li Zhichang also saw that this last trick, the fish monk, had already performed some kind of taboo technique. When they fought, the force was close to the master of heaven and man.
Once the taboo technique of Fish Monk is put into use, it can almost crack everything in this world. I didn’t expect that the man who fought with him was only shaken by the meridians and didn’t even leave blood.
Li Zhichang was white. At this time, Yuan Shen was unable to move. It was probably impossible to kill this person. Even in the heyday, if this person had some taboo occult techniques, he might be able to fight back and hurt him before he died.
Who the hell is this person? Li Zhichang was wondering at that time, but he thought that nine times out of ten it was the man who took the portrait of his father, and that the man’s martial arts were very special, and there was no breath leaked in this meeting place. Although he sensed that there were other remnants of popular machines, he could not conclude that they were a group. While he was hesitating, he didn’t expect that Beiluo Master handed him a spiritual message saying that he had seen the fish monk before he decided to come back immediately.
His speed and strength will naturally arrive soon.
I happened to see the fish monk display the first sixteen pictures of the thirty-two bodies to Lu gradually.
He can see that the fish and monk will die if their oil is exhausted. Even if he is a great warrior, he will do his best to save the fish and monk’s blood.
When Lu gradually tidied up these relics, he would rather not know about them, but came quietly.
He covers his eyes with a black cloth at the moment because it will take ten days for Li Zhichang to remove the residual poison from his eyes before leaving any future trouble. In this issue, he can’t hide the sun.
I’d rather not sigh, "I didn’t expect that the change of the world from the’ West City’s main East Island King Jingang glowered’ to the present is really unpredictable."
Li Zhichang said faintly, "Did your ten thousand masters who returned to Tibet really die?"
I would rather not say, "It’s true that at that time, the duke was first covered by earth, struck by lightning, flooded by water, burned by fire, and was entangled with stone hammers and vines, which actually attracted six kinds of corpses."
After listening to this, Li Zhichang didn’t say anything, and then said to Lu, "You have this adventure. It’s really your life. I’m also happy to be beautiful. I’ll tell you the ins and outs of this hidden robbery. You also listen carefully to your previous robbery method. It’s really rough. Generally, experts can still occupy the wind, and they will be knocked down if they encounter a really powerful role."
Before he healed the old monk, he was looking for nine portraits, but although he saved the old monk, now the old monk is dead, and both ends meet again.
However, after listening to the previous remarks, Tianzhu Mountain still has King Kong. Everyone is estimating that if they want to find Jiuruxiang, they will have to land in the person of King Kong Lu.
Since he wants to use the cause and effect of "Jiu Ru Fa Yi", he has to return to Lu Gradually. After all, the last words of the old monk are to give Lu Gradually the identity of King Kong in this world.
The higher he studies, the less he wants to owe cause and effect, so he must return the benefits to Lu gradually.
I’m afraid no one in the world knows better what robbery in the dark is than him. Although the West City of Dongdao has been practicing slavery for hundreds of years, it has produced several robbery powers and robbery techniques to practice the practice, but I’m afraid there are only a few places where I can really realize the real power of robbery.
Martial arts in the world, including Li Zhichang, are practiced from strange meridians, which is also the most authentic way. In the end, all kinds of martial arts come to the same road, which is also called Yuanjue in Buddhism and Taiji in Confucianism.
Its poor days and interpersonal studies have turned into a family.

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