广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 桑拿夜网 Ten miles that’s less than half an hour! Dae-yin’s men are like a crazy fight against chicken blood.

Ten miles that’s less than half an hour! Dae-yin’s men are like a crazy fight against chicken blood.

Yan Gui rode from the north gate of Quanzhou and saw such a scene.
One by one, their eyes are black and their faces are yellow, but they seem to have endless strength to fight the enemy.
The soldiers of the city wall will climb the ladder to the enemy and kill them one by one. The three city walls will not be broken.
"Out of the city! Fight! " Yan Gui sat on a horse and pointed his sword at the south and shouted, One!
Bring the soldiers and horses together and shout, "Take the prince and cut his head!"
Yan to added "no matter who! Those who kill the prince of Yan will be rewarded with 1,000 gold generals! "
They broke into a cry again and then went straight from the north gate to the south gate.
High winds followed Yan’s return to Sun Ling to stay in the city. After all, he had to guard several doors.
The lieutenant is exhausted and can’t get up anymore.
Sun Ling helped him sit down and said, "Where’s General Song?"
They galloped in a month or two and don’t know the specific news yet.
"The general died and asked General Sun for revenge!" Lieutenant is know Sun Ling.
"naturally! The prince’s army won’t grow long when it arrives at the prince, but the general will take revenge soon. Now you have to be tired, organize and keep guarding the city, play and continue to play, so that we can have a rest after this battle. "
"naturally, this will follow the general!" Lieutenant struggled to get up and said
Peter said Yan Gui took the military forces out of the city and saw that the other side would also withdraw the siege military forces from the two houses, and then confronted the plains outside Quanzhou.
Originally, the farmland here was panicked by the war, or a few barley plants were seen. Maybe they didn’t harvest the wheat last year. Did they grow up this year without being trampled to death by war horses?
"General Regent wishes you a world war!" Ye bolong dequeue took out a broadsword way
"joke! What makes you think we’re in the first world war? Little ye will meet you! " In the previous step, Gao Feng gave a hand and said, "I’ll ask General Gao Feng from Sanzhennan to sign up!"
This is also the general’s wartime rules. Most of them are famous and have surnames. In this issue, others don’t intervene, depending on the two people. Chapter 449 Each depends on his own merits.
Ye Bolong naturally knew that the Regent’s throne was originally a bodyguard, but all of them were brave and resourceful, but he knew that one of them had died, and one of them was at the head of Yanjing City’s military forces, and the other was called war again, but he didn’t know where it was.
Ye Bolong also surrendered. "The general is Nanyin-Anyuan General Ye Bolong!"
"oh! That’s why I’m not as famous as you. I didn’t defeat General Anyuan, and the general’s title naturally spread all over the world! Look at the trick! " High wind smiled suddenly out of kendo.
The guards around Yan Gui were born with swords, so they are masters.
Yan Gui was worried in his heart, but he had experienced the northwest battlefield in a high wind, and he was not experienced earlier. Several assassinations were less than more, and he still had experience.
Come and save him in case of any change.
Yuan Liang looked at the Regent sitting on the opposite side with a red horse, and he also lamented that heroes have been teenagers since ancient times! This sovereign is only 2034 years old, right? It looks like a beautiful jade, but who knows this martial arts is extraordinary?
When I came back to Jiangling, Nanjing City (not a dime from Nanjing City in China) was almost caught by the pursuit. Did you know that one day he turned out to be a rival?
It can be seen that God will never let you guess the future.
High winds make swords fast and hard. Ye Bolong is good at broadsword, which belongs to the strength type. He is also very energetic when he meets smart high winds.
It was not long before the two men put to good use and vaulted into a fight.
The sword collided and a string of sparks splashed out, and both of them stepped on the loess.

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