广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 喝茶品茶联系方式 This situation, even if it is a fool, should also be able to white, but they want to take the opportunity to seize the control of Yan Xianhe again.

This situation, even if it is a fool, should also be able to white, but they want to take the opportunity to seize the control of Yan Xianhe again.

There is one thing that the inflammation is never white. Although the saliva grass is the spirit grass needed to cast a panacea, it will not cause all inflammation practitioners to note that this inflammation practice sect will make such a move.
"Is there a secret hidden in this salty river that we don’t know?" Early in the morning, Yan Yang had been sitting in the hall and ordered to send away Yan Xuan and others. After that, he had been waiting for Ye Qiu and others to discuss things about Yan Xianhe.
After more than half a afternoon of discussion, everyone has always thought that the cultivation of sects in this inflammation is definitely not as simple as saliva grass or there are many unknown secrets hidden in this saliva river!
And the recent silence of Yan’s uniting sect may be precisely because he wants to prove the truth of this secret that he will temporarily stop fighting.
However, although everyone had this guess in their hearts, no one had enough confidence to believe their thoughts, and everyone dared not say their thoughts easily. Finally, Yan Yang seemed to realize something and murmured
After the inflammatory Yang said, they immediately nodded their heads and agreed with the statement of inflammatory Yang.
Seeing that everyone is so sure, the heart of Yan Yang is more sure of this idea, so he nodded at everyone. "It seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems."
When Yan Yang said this, everyone nodded in agreement, but we all know that even if Yan Yang now knows that it is not simple, he doesn’t know where it is!
After a while, the meeting hall was calm again. Although everyone had some different ideas about the struggle, no one dared to speak frankly about this emergency.
After all, the inflammation family is facing an unprecedented disaster. If that person has any idea to help the inflammation family, that’s fine, but if it hurts the inflammation family instead, it’s not good!
Looking at these usual ideas in the hall, now it’s the key moment, but they all dare not speak. Yang can’t help but raise an anger in his heart.
Glaring at all the people in the hall, Yan Yang didn’t say anything properly. At this time, Ye Qiu stood aside, but some of them rushed forward and bowed their hands at Yan Yang. "I have an idea!"
After listening to Ye Qiu’s words, Yan Yang was suddenly stunned and immediately looked at Ye Qiu with a puzzled face and said, "What’s the good idea? Come on, don’t you see that the situation is so urgent?"
Yang as others in the hall is also a face of don’t understand looking at Ye Qiu is obviously interested in him to speak.
Ye Qiu looked at it suddenly and thoughtfully for a long time before he looked at the outside of the hall with a worried face. They said, "Don’t we know everything when we go to the Yanxian River Basin to see it?"
"Are you talking nonsense?" The original Ye Qiu can think of any good way. Everyone is very much looking forward to it, but I didn’t think that he actually came up with such a bad way. Suddenly, everyone has a kind of momentum.
Glancing at all the people around, Ye Qiu shook his head with a wry smile. "Don’t say that this is nonsense, but have you ever thought that sometimes a nonsense is much better than your stupidity!"
There is no denying that Ye Qiu’s statement is very reasonable. After all, he has also come up with a way. What about others? I haven’t said a word in this hall for so long.
But what he said to everyone was not repentance but hatred. Why can you, a foreigner, speak out again?
Ye Qiu seems to be aware of this. He looked around slightly and then turned his attention to Yan Yang as if he agreed with himself.
Ye Qiu, the biggest institution of inflammation in this family, knows that his words have offended many people, but he also knows that if he wants to get affirmation of inflammation, others can be scolded there!
The sun seems to be white Ye Qiu. See Ye Qiuzheng looking at himself and suddenly falling into silence. After a while, he nodded slightly. "This method is not infeasible. It is an emergency. Who among you is willing to go?"
Yan’s family patriarch Yan’s family may face disaster. Naturally, it is impossible for him to get away from this and implement Ye Qiu’s method. At the same time, he must find a trusted person.
Naturally, this believer didn’t come out to replace his patriarch, but went to Yanxian River basin instead of him to find out the hidden secrets in the river.
This field is all clearly know that this inflammation’s family is about to face disaster, and it is impossible for Yan Yang to give the chief clan benefits to others, otherwise it is likely to happen.
It is also a difficult and dangerous to go to the Yanxian River to explore, and no one is sure that the Sect of Yan Lian will not come in before this process.
This hall suddenly fell into silence again. Even Ye Qiu, who came out with the original advice, dared not speak at the moment.
After all, in the face of such difficulties and dangers, if you want to ensure that you can do your best, the best choice is to try your best to escape!
However, escape can certainly save one’s life, but it’s not the case if you just want to escape, you may face faster death.
This is the case in the discussion hall of the Yan family now. It is indeed possible for everyone to remain silent, but if it causes the Yan family to resent it, it is most likely that they will be accused of abandoning the family.
It’s not a big deal to turn your back on the family, but it’s not good to turn your back on the Yan family. Everyone knows how powerful the Yan family is, and others are afraid to join the Yan family. Who is willing to openly become an enemy of the Yan family?
Naturally, there are exceptions to everything, such as today’s inflammation practice sects, which is the biggest exception. It is not impossible to have strong enough power even if the Yan family fights against each other.
On the one hand, if you want to think about it, you still have a chance to live, but who is sure that those inflammatory sects who have been fighting against each other and now abandoned the Yan family will be willing to take them in?
Besides, the influence of the inflammatory family is not blown out of the field, and no one is sure that the inflammatory family will be defeated in this war.
And inflammatory factions although now forces can inflammation’s family confrontation, but it is, after all, an alliance, and no one is willing to believe that there is no bowden dispute in this alliance.
If this alliance is not very stable, the strength is temporary, but the Yan family is not. No one feels underestimated by this century-old family in the mainland!

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