广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 桑拿会所 The waves were told by Liu Yifei that there was a very important thing to attend tonight and that they should have a good rest.

The waves were told by Liu Yifei that there was a very important thing to attend tonight and that they should have a good rest.

The waves took advantage of the seven-point drunkenness to go back to the room and hug the small bean sprouts and fall asleep.
He didn’t go to make out with the bean sprouts this time, because he only had enough sleep to maintain strong physical strength and clear mind, and to have decisive judgment and quick response ability.
The waves slept till the first light of the sun.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the bean sprouts were clear and bright, and his eyes were fixed on his face quietly.
The waves smiled at the bean sprouts.
Small bean sprouts also smiled, but there was a trace of sadness in the sweetness.
The waves caught the little bean sprouts with a slight pain in their faces, pulled them close to each other, stroked her smooth and delicate cheeks and said softly, "What’s the matter? Are you in a bad mood? "
Small bean sprouts are clever and docile. They look up at the waves in their arms and say with low eyes, "I wonder what kind of man or good man you are?" Still a bad guy? "
The waves Fushun with small bean sprouts hair laughed "Silly girl, this world is a good person and a bad person can’t tell! I am the good guy, the bad guy and the good guy! Whether I am a good person or a bad person, I just want to be good to you! "
Small bean sprouts suddenly smiled sadly with gentle and loving waves and said, "will you dump me one day?" A man like you won’t guard a woman, and you will soon get tired of me. "
The waves suddenly found that this simple little girl had grown up a lot unconsciously in the past few days and thought a lot. He hugged the bean sprouts tightly and said piteously, "No! I will never lose you! Don’t think too much about being obedient. "
So the two embraced and looked at the lights in the courtyard, and they all stopped talking. The warmest feeling in their hearts was filled with a warmth in each other’s room, with a little sadness and romance.
After a long time, someone knocked at the door
It was Liu Yifei who sent someone to invite the waves to go to her building after supper.
Then someone brought dinner, which was rich and exquisite.
The waves hurried to eat dinner and walked straight to Liu Yifei’s Xiaoyanglou.
All the way, he thought about what Liu Yifei wanted him to do today. He imagined several possibilities and thought about what he would do if it was what he expected.
Liu Yifei is waiting for the waves outside the Xiaoyanglou. Tonight, she wears a red suit to take care of the smooth lines of the white blouse, and there is a bit of charm in the practice. Especially, she leans against a red BMW car and the lights in front of her are warm. The elegant charm and sexy figure make the waves rise. "I know this girl will be cool when she works!"
Although his heart was lewd on the surface, he walked past in a serious way.
He was dressed in a high-end leisure style sent by Liu Yifei, and in the exquisite fashion, the waves were well proportioned in the west, and the men’s heroic hair shirt was left behind. He was slightly rough and exquisite, with deep facial features and calm eyes. A wild and unrestrained temperament has a great attraction and temptation to women.
It can be denied that the unique temperament of the waves made Liu Yifei have a certain physiological reaction, and his eyes became watery when he looked at the waves.
Liu Yifei personally drove the waves and sat in the front row.
The red BMW car slowly drove out of the villa.
After the car left the villa, the waves asked, "Miss Yifei, where are we going this time?"
Liu Yifei laughed while driving "to see the boxing match"
The waves said, "What? Do you want me to go to the boxing match? "
Liu Yifei said, "Of course, there are other meanings. You will know when you arrive. Now it’s no use talking about it. Just wait patiently."
The waves shut up. He knows when to talk and when not to talk.
The car took half an hour and then went to the suburbs and entered a farmland villa.
Many cars have been parked in the villa parking lot, all of which are expensive cars.
There are several guards patrolling back and forth outside the courtyard, and the security is tight to prevent uninvited guests from entering.
Liu Yifei parked the car and the waves headed for the * * * hall.
At the entrance of the hall, Liu Yifei handed a special entrance ticket to the guard at the door.
Liu Yifei is obviously a frequent visitor here. The guard smiled and said, "Miss Liu is here."
Liu Yifei nodded, arm in arm with the waves and entered the hall together.
The hall is brilliantly built into a small room. In the stadium, there is a boxing ring surrounded by stepped stands, while the table is a VIP room, which is specially prepared by some distinguished guests.
Liu Yifei walked directly to the VIP room with the wave arm.
The VIP room is not big, but it is very comfortable and elegant. There are not only refreshments, but also a notebook computer.
The waves and Liu Yifei looked from the railing after sitting.
There are not many spectators in the terraced stands, but there are 70 spectators.
In the boxing ring, the four corners of the six-meter square platform have fixed platform corners. Four columns and three thick ropes are enclosed to form a square table top. There is no cushion to protect the boxer’s thick blanket. There is a solid, flat and stable hard and cold table top.
The waves can see at a glance that this is an illegal boxing ring. The fighting scene is very bloody and violent. There are not many spectators. First, they are afraid that people will be shut down by the government when their influence is enlarged. Second, these spectators are members. They are not watching bloody and brutal boxing, but also gambling privately.
There is a tyrannical element in the nature of the waves, and the genes know that there will be a new brutal boxing, and the cells of the body are extremely active and excited
After the ceremony of joining the gang, the waves will become official members of the Fulong Gang.
The three elders didn’t have lunch with the waves and left with three or four bodyguards.

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