广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 品茶论坛,桑拿夜网 "I’m looking for a car accident ten years ago." I looked him straight in the eye. "If you don’t have contacts, you can’t find anything."

"I’m looking for a car accident ten years ago." I looked him straight in the eye. "If you don’t have contacts, you can’t find anything."

"Car accident ten years ago" Wang Hao repeated a slight frown and his eyes lit up. "So you suspect that the car accident was a person?"
His mind is not on the same channel as mine.
I looked at him and said something.
Section 73
"Although I haven’t accepted this kind of case, my ambition is to develop this kind of criminal case …" The more he said, the more excited he became
"That … Xiao Wang, I think you really don’t fit." I took a sip of coffee and got up to leave.
"Miss Lin’s remuneration can be discussed." Wang Hao saw that I had no intention to talk about it. "Maybe my past case is a little shallow, but isn’t there a first time for everything? I’m very interested in a case like yours … I don’t want any remuneration." His eyes are shining with light.
I looked at him one leng.
"You don’t look at me, I still have some personal connections." He leaned over and whispered mysteriously at me. "My dad is at the bottom of the city bureau investigation. I have access." He also picked an eyebrow at me.
I was just about to lift my ass and sit back and look at him in surprise.
After parting with Wang Hao, I turned around and paid another detective appointment.
The two locations are just across the street. I think there is still a little time, so I will walk there and buy my favorite hand-grabbed cakes at a snack bar in front.
第九十五章 曾经美好
So … Who’s that guy?
I was thinking all the way and didn’t look at the road. I was hit red-handed by a speeding bike and stumbled onto the side of the road. And in my mind, I suddenly remembered a person’s name, Gu Yisheng, and that A Zhe had a portrait face. Was that … that man named Gu Yisheng?
"Miss, are you all right?" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to help me up. As soon as I got up from the ground, I didn’t even notice my hand scratching my skin.
The man was startled by me.
"Are you all right?" The bike owner looked at me worried.
"I’m fine." I tugged at the corners of my mouth and ran to the coffee shop in front. I had an idea in my heart that I must find out everything.
I ran into the coffee shop, took out my cell phone and replayed the words just now. I saw a tall man in the corner, and he was more reliable than Wang Hao in appearance. When I got to know his resume, I had great hopes for him.
After I finished, I didn’t go to Hengyuan but went straight back to the apartment.
When I got back to my apartment, I searched Gu Yisheng again. His information was almost the same as that of the last time. I looked at those photos carefully. It was the same person as the person I bumped into in the street today. So that person is really Gu Yisheng. It turns out that the real person A Zhe is more similar.
How did he end up in Rongcheng?
I feel a little neurotic, but they are so similar.
Lying on the bed, I was stunned. I called Su Qing.
As soon as I got through, I asked, "Su Qing, do you know Gu Yisheng?"
"Ah?" Su Qing was puzzled by my sudden question.
"Gu Yisheng has heard of this man. Without him, he is also a Beijinger and engaged in real estate," I said urgently.

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