广州桑拿论坛,广州品茶网,广州条友网,广州蒲友论坛 桑拿夜网,约茶品茶工作室 After pondering for a moment, he speculated that "things are unpredictable and divination is not perfect."

After pondering for a moment, he speculated that "things are unpredictable and divination is not perfect."

In the plot, Liu Yuan Bai won the secret key of Hongmei and took up all the natural materials and treasures.
Xiao Jing regrets that the protagonist is the protagonist, which is very comparable.
Suddenly, there was a deafening roar from the ground, and the monks jumped to their throats and stood up.
In an exclamation, a dazzling red light flashed through the door.
The opening of Xianfu shocked the world.
In an instant, the white light fled into the fairy house, and it was the elders and brothers of the big door.
Low-ranking monks or sect monks followed closely.
Not to be outdone, Liu’s three sisters flew into the fairy house, followed by Xiao Jing.
There are several sending arrays in the fairy house, and there is no trace of others after entering.
Suddenly, a red silk shot out of the darkness and swept away the three sisters of the Liu family.
Xiao Jing drew his sword and chopped off the red satin, then swung out three vines to pull the three people back.
"ah! Help … "
In an instant, several red silks emerged from the darkness, and the pungent smell of blood filled the air and made people vomit.
Xiao Jing held her breath and drew out the southern bucket sword, breaking the sharp sword, and burying the cold and firm but gentle sword to kill God.
In an instant, one red silk fell into pieces.
Xiao Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and when she turned around, she lost control and fell from the middle.
Not good! The red silk is soaked with high-ranking monks of Forbidden Spirit Powder and Special grams.
Fortunately, after thousands of years, all the pills in Xianfu gradually lost their medicinal properties.
Xiao Jingyun’s reiki feet gave birth to an amazing suction and sucked him into the hole.
Xiao Jing struggled hard, but the suction became stronger and stronger, pulling him into an elegant abode of fairies and immortals.
Everything you see seems like a thousand years ago, a table and a chair are all glorious, and the years are still marked.
On the left front is an elegant little couch with a red embroidered gold gauze curtain fluttering and swaying, and a Bai Sheng Snow Maid is faintly visible sleeping in it.
There is a charming charm in the back. Should this fairy be so charming?
Xiao Jing’s clear eyes inspired a Vulcan symbol "Go!"
A blazing fire rose and attacked the couch with fangs.
The fire dragon got into the gauze curtain and dripped into the sea and disappeared.
Spells don’t work, they work.
Xiao Jing holds the sun and the moon in his hand and conjures up a pair of Tai Chi hexagrams, which are distorted when Yin and Yang are reversed.
When the couch with strong suction gradually twisted, a beautiful image slowly got up and smashed the Taiji hexagrams with a palm.
If she is gorgeous, her hair is like a black eyebrow, her eyes are blue-eyed and full of waves, her eyes are wearing a embroidered gold blouse, her shoes and socks are not exposed, and a piece of skin like Bai Shengxue is like a dust in Xuan Nv.
"Did you hurt someone?"
A beautiful woman’s soft words hurt when she is sad.
Xiao Jing asked with a face of koo, "ah? What did you say? "
Her face froze and she smiled and said, "Aren’t I beautiful?"
"Ha ha ha ….." Fairy chuckled and joked that "it’s a lie. You don’t care if you see me."
"I like men"
Xiao Jingyi is openly saying, "I like men! I love my brother! "
Fairy frowned slightly. In her cognition, there are few men and women in love. This is against heaven.
"I know," Xiao Jing sighed in a sad tone. "I love the wrong person and have made a clean break with him."
This amazing statement was not expected by the fairy.
She looked indifferently, recalling the past and sneering, "Ah, love? Only love is the most harmful thing in this world! "
Xiao Jing deeply admires "Sister, what you say is reasonable"
Fairy smiling smile a pair of phoenix eyes glowing with ying ying colchicine "it’s a pity that you are clever …"

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