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"Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. Let’s hurry up and help. It’s even harder to explain if there are casualties."

Ye Yu said this, and Leticia nodded, and immediately a line of people rushed to the place where the chaos occurred.
Chapter 356 Bullying the weak and fearing the strong
"Hey, hey, hey, what are you arresting me for? We’ve enlivened the sacrificial atmosphere."
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, stop talking about this problem, children and adults. Who is responsible for this?"
Northeast boundary wall stage area
By the time Ye Yu and his men arrived, it was obvious that they could not come. Izayoi and the black rabbit were regarded as invaders and surrounded by troops holding high the’ Salandra’ flame and dragon skin covered with lizard scales.
Originally, I wanted to arrest him, but after the black rabbit almost cried, Izayoi honestly followed these lizard people to the palace of the headquarters of the community’s ‘Salaandra’ base area’ Dragon Birth Festival’.
"Say … even if it’s nonsense, it’s really a bit too much. Even if Izayoi Jun is a black rabbit, so are you?"
Dressed as a maid, Leticia is preaching to the two. Izayoi is absent-minded, while the black rabbit is pulling his head and even a pair of long ears are hanging down … "Sorry, Leticia is my fault and most of the damage is caused by me."
"hey! What are you still talking about there now? This is to help Shiro Yasha heat up the festival atmosphere and … "
"Shut up! Damn name! ! How dare you make a big noise in the hall! !”
A folded drink drowned out the sound of Izayoi. Looking around, a man with red hair and long horns crossed the machete and walked in quickly from the gate with anger.
Naisha Naisha is not in the hall. She seems to have taken Orpheus to watch the festival outside, and Shiro Yasha is not here. There is only one Leticia in the hall that deserves attention.
It is also because of this that Mandela has the confidence to reprimand so severely.
"Mann, Mandela’s adult ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
"Hum! Sandra should be conscious when she invites you here! Just a name that is not grateful is still destroying the festival there. If it is not for Shiro Yasha, I really want to punish you one by one. "
"Are you? This is really unpleasant! Renxiao, if I remember correctly, did you say that ‘Salaandra’ was an ally of our guild? "
"Ah, yes, yes, when the former leader was still here, he did’ Salandra’ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
"oh? So when our guild was attacked by the devil, did the’ Salandra’ allies come to help? "
"That, that ….."
"Hum! Don’t play this kind of chat there.’ Salandra’ was indeed an ally with you before, but that’s also good. The contract doesn’t say’ you must help the other guild when it is attacked by the devil!’ Such terms! "
Mandela’s face is a little ugly, so he hides his guilt.’ Salandra’ does have an alliance contract, but it says that unless there are special circumstances, he must go to help if the party is attacked by the devil.
However, three years ago, when the name was attacked by the devil,’ Salandra’ tore up the contract because the leader was seriously ill, and even afterwards,’ Salandra’ did not help the name, because it lost the guild and the flag name, it was not worthy of the five-digit community’ Salandra’ to form an alliance, which was Mandela’s understanding.
"After all, it’s just a fifth-floor community. It’s not surprising that the weak will abandon the alliance and ignore things in this world of sandplay."
Ye Yu, who kept silent, suddenly spoke slowly, and on the other side, Izayoi also showed his approval.
"Yes, yes, I want to form an alliance with a powerful community to get protection, but I didn’t expect it to attract more strength. The Great Devil is either pathetic or hiding for fear of being discovered by the Devil and being implicated."
"It’s a pity that the powerful demon king accidentally destroyed you’ Salandra’?"
"What are you talking about! ? Two can stink little! ? How dare you insult my name’ Salaandra’! "
Mandela showed his fierce fangs and pulled out his waist and sword at Izayoi and Ye Yu, but he suddenly solidified in the middle with a blow of whistling knife.
"Oh … have you become angry from embarrassment?"
Ye Yu, who slightly raised his eyebrows, raised a finger, and Mandela’s arm was covered with a layer of light frost from the beginning.
"damn it! ! How dare you ……. "
"Okay, Mandela! You can stop it! "
Majestic than sound up Ye Yu slightly one leng immediately looked back and found that appeared in front of your face is a blonde elegant plump attractive mature women.
Somehow, I feel that the women in front of me are very familiar, and it seems that there is a little leticia shadow?
"Beauty, who are you?"
"I’m Leticia."
Put on a dignified posture. Leticia was going to continue to say something, but she was dumbfounded by Ye Yu’s words.
"Well, this seems to be her special ability. Untying that satin will become such a mature and beautiful adult form."
Izayoi said this while rubbing the bar, and Ye Yu didn’t notice that the satin that had been stuck in Leticia’s head was gone.
"Mandela, you’ve said enough, right? Black Rabbit and Izayoi do have a wrong theory. Apologize or say that we all did it. What do you want?"
"Hum! Leticia, do you want to lecture me, too It’s just the original devil! "Knight of the Cabin"-Leticia! Now you … "
Before Mandela’s words were finished, the biting cold spread in the hall, and in an instant he felt that he was half unconscious.
"Open … are you kidding this power? !”
The incredible frost force made Mandela’s eyes wide open, and the descendants of the fire dragon had the gift of fire, but Mandela found himself feeling deep fear in the face of this frost.
"Yeah, he’s a bully. No wonder the whole ‘Salaandra’ abandoned its allies like this."
Ye Yu laughed gently and said so casually, but he couldn’t say a word if he wanted to refute Mandela.
Just restraining the frost attack has exhausted his strength. If he slackens, I’m afraid he will be swallowed up by this terrible frost in an instant and lose his will.
Chapter 357 Power decides everything
When Ye Yu was arguing at the headquarters, the stage area was bursting with cheers in the game venue connected to the headquarters palace.
The game venue has a circular outline, and the audience is arranged along the outline to enclose the venue. At present, the venue is hosting the Shiro Yasha Single Gift Game, and the stage is competing for the final competition.
"Young lady! That’s it! Now! Go around behind your opponent and kick it! "
Then she shouted as the assistant of the three-haired cat, and fought on the stage. It was from the preliminaries to the semi-finals that her enemy was the stone wall giant belonging to the community’ RKEAER’
"So … the tie is broken …!" With the gift from the Griffin, he manipulated the whirlwind and flew behind the Stonewall giant.
"bang! ! ! ! !”
Released from the power of the’ elephant’, the Stonewall giant kicked his legs hard. At the same time, the audience gave a deafening cheer when the huge power was smashed to the end by the weight head giant.
Winning Yao finally relaxed her tension, and the joy of winning made her smile slightly. Just then, sitting on the palace platform, a girl in a dress and white hair came to the stage from her seat and patted her hands on the microphone. Suddenly, the whole disturbance stopped.

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